So Many Fangirl Freakouts Ideas

Hi Internet People,

I’m super excited right now because I have so many Fangirl Freakouts video ideas. The downside is I’m having issues figuring out which ideas I want to do when. I had a plan for this week’s video last week and then something happened and now I have a brand new idea. I’ve mentioned this a bit on Twitter, but I keep flipping back and forth because I’m terrible at making up my mind.

Alright so something really cool is happening this week for me, actually two things, but one of them has to do with the theme of this week’s video. I was going to do a web series, I even had one picked out already, but I decided to switch it for next week. There’s a really good reason I swear. In my Fangirl Freakouts video I will make the big announcement because I am really freaking excited. You’re probably going to say Katherine, chill out, this really isn’t that cool, but I’m dang excited and don’t even care. Now Saturday I’m going to a football game, which I like never do, but hey there will be free fancy food and the tickets were free. Also I’ll get to hangout with my brother and sister, I don’t see as much of them now that school has started.

The exciting thing I will reveal is happening on Friday night and honestly surprised the crap out of me when I found out about it. I’m just so shocked that it happened and I really want to share it with all of you, but I want to keep it a bit of a surprise. I have told a couple people already, but I’m making the grand reveal in my themed video. Just be patient you lovely people and you’ll know soon.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


I Didn’t Die!

Hi Internet People,

Remember I said I was going to a concert on Sunday? Remember how I said I was making sure I didn’t faint this time? Okay, even if you don’t remember I went to a concert on Sunday in Columbus. My friend got tickets to see Delta Rae at this little venue called The Basement. Now my friend loves concerts, she loves concerts so much that she likes to arrive thousands of hours early to attend them. Okay, that’s hyperbole, but she normally likes to get there at least three hours early. This venue though wasn’t the kind of place where you can line up, which was great for me.

We got to Columbus around 2:30 for a show that according to the internet started at either 6:30 or 7. She had been convinced to stop for dinner, which she totally never does when you are going to a concert with her, and then we got her to stop at Barnes and Noble and check out the house some of her friends recently moved into. We had stalled her until 5 and then we headed to the venue. There was a baseball game going on nearby, but when we got there it was dead. No one was anywhere to be seen and when we finally saw a guy in the ticket booth he said you can’t get in until 6:30. We hung out on a bench and managed to get in a bit early, but only because a thunderstorm rolled in and the people running the place didn’t want everyone caught in the rain. Turns out the doors of the bar open at 6:30 and the concert was at 7:30 officially.

The show was amazing! We were right up at the front, which I totally wasn’t going to do, but the venue was so small and there weren’t a ton of people, so I was fine. We were leaning up against the stage the whole time and that got crazy. The opening act Castro was really good, there were actually three middle aged women who got tickets to this show literally just for the opening band because one of the guys in it was once on American Idol. After they got done we waited a bit and then Delta Rae came on. The show was what I would imagine if I attended some sort of witches coven in the woods from like the times of Salem. It was amazing and I had such a good time. After the show we were able to talk to people from both groups and they were super nice. I’d definitely go see them again.

Also huge plus, I didn’t pass out and I got to eat food. Woo!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Holy Prison Pandemonium, Wentworth Season Four!

Hi Internet People,

I warned you that when I finished season four of Wentworth that there would be some sort of post where I attempted to cope with everything that happened. I finished the season on Friday and decided that I had finally had enough time to fully comprehend everything that happened. I loved the time devoted to the ensemble cast, but I found myself feeling more stressed out than I have in any other season. So much was happening and so many people were going through so much that I was just not coping well. Also spoilers if you haven’t finished season four of Wentworth, just as an FYI.

I wound up watching episodes 8-12 in a row Friday night, I hadn’t planned on finishing it in one night, but it happened. The last five episodes seemed to blend into each other a lot more than the previous episodes did. There was a lot going on and admittedly even though I was enjoying the Maxine and Boomer plot a lot, I did zone out a bit for a couple of the side plots. Maxine and Boomer made me so happy, they just wanted to help each other be safe and happy. So sweet! Bea and Allie’s plot got really crazy as the finale grew closer. I was not expecting a lot of those twists and turns.

I did get a bit thrown by Liz’s plot. I just didn’t really care about the rich woman in prison, I also kept thinking that her friend’s kids were involved because the daughter totally wasn’t crying in the news report. Dor’s plot seemed inevitable, but I wasn’t expecting it to twist into Kaz’s plot. Also that Jake guy, what the heck?! I get that he was dealing drugs, but he was totally acting like some sort of Fergusonesque character and I was expecting him to be doing something a bit grander, like try to take over the prison.

Wentworth is a really great show and I really enjoyed season four, but there was a lot going on. The ending also killed me, I was not prepared in any way to deal with the stuff that happened. I’m not even sure how it will effect Ferguson because wouldn’t it be considered self defense? I don’t think Bea, as a prisoner, should have been in the area at all, which could actually cause tons of problems for Wentworth. Anyway, still a great season, even if I am being a bit critical.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Busy Sunday for Me So How About Some Videos?

Hi Internet People,

I’m going to be out of town today so I thought that since it’s Sunday I would just do a quick check out these videos post. I know I’ve done these before, but maybe while you are enjoying your day you could take a couple minutes and check out my YouTube channel, if you haven’t already. Here’s my most recent video all about the latest episodes of Inhuman Condition on KindaTV. I have lots of other videos on my kleffnotes YouTube channel about a variety of nerdy topics too.

Hope you have a great Sunday!

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Edgar Allan Poe’s Transmedia Exercise: “Character Card” #PoePartyFTW

Hi Internet People,

This week on Twitter I learned that Shipwrecked is running a transmedia exercise in connection with the release of Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party. Each week they will present a new theme that connects to the most recent episode of the show. You can make fan art, write fanfic, or create anything else that fits within the purview of transmedia. You just have to tag it #PoePartyFTW and have it up online before Saturday at 11:59 pm pst of that week. I thought I’d give it a try. While it isn’t great here’s my attempt at the prompt “character card.”

Inside a dark and drafty home an elegant table is set for an upcoming dinner party, but outside in a bent and twisted oak two ravens sit hidden within the shadows of the leaves. Though the hour is growing late their cries sound shrill and piercing.

“I can’t believe Lenore said we can’t come to the party.”

“I know! It’s not our fault Ed wrote that poem about her. Heck, I’ve never even said                Nevermore…THAT DOESN’T COUNT!”

The larger of the two birds doubles over with laughter, which to human ears has a remarkably terrifying shrillness to it. His companion, the slimmer bird, smacks him sharply upon the head with his wing, but hops quickly away to avoid the bigger bird’s beak.

“You know what, we should have been guests of honor at this thing.”

“Because of the poem?”

“No! Because we’re a murder!”

“What are you talking about birdbrain?”

“I mean a group of us is a murder and it is a murder mystery party after all.”

“Is your brain made of down? A group of ravens isn’t a murder, that’s crows.”


“Yes, seriously. Why would I lie about that? A group of us is called a conspiracy or a                  constable, never a murder.”

“Oh…well she still should have let us come.”

There’s a flash of movement in the dining room and the ravens lean forward on their perch. On each of the plates now sits a card. With their curiosity peaked the birds swoop down onto the nearby window ledge. The two cock their heads in an attempt to read the fine print on the nearest plate.

“Does that say ‘fluent in Greek’? Does Ed even know anyone fluent in Greek?”

“It’s a character card you wingnut. The murder mystery is a game and all the guests                 are playing a character. Do you ever pay attention when we roost in the den?”

“Sometimes! I mean, I listened when he went over the menu with Lenore.”

“This is why we don’t get invited anywhere. Hey, maybe one of the guests will leave                 a window open and we can swoop in for some leftovers when they’re all                                     distracted.”

“Maybe. Oh shoot, Lenore. Let’s wing it!”

With a flutter of feathers the ravens return to their shadowy hideaway, but they keep their black eyes focused on the window in the hopes that they might still get invited to join the party.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Oh Wow, This Weekend is Super Busy

Hi Internet People,

First, this is super weird because I’m not typing this on my normal computer. These keys are so noisy and bulky. Now onto the whole this weekend is super crazy busy part. Alright so today I just have work, which admittedly isn’t too bad. I start at 8:00 and I’ll get off at 4:30. Then tonight I’m going to be hanging out at home and catching up on some comics and Netflix. There will also be snacks and possibly hard cider because I bought a giant case of them last week. One tastes like apple pie! It’s delicious just FYI.

The rest of this weekend though I am very, very busy. Saturday we are going up to see my sister, which will be fun. There will be shopping and food time. I don’t know if we are doing dinner or lunch so just general food time. I also really want to go to Target, but sadly I know that there won’t be Halloween stuff yet. My urge to spookify my office is so strong right now and it’s only August!

Sunday is going to be extra nutty, like crunchy peanut butter nutty. I am going to a concert, which if we all remember the last time I went to a concert might be dangerous. For those of you who don’t remember or even know I went to a concert, I went to see Hozier in Columbus with some friends and almost passed out because my body does not like heat, sun, the outdoors, massive crowds in condensed places, or lack of water. I got out of the crowd, then an EMT grabbed me before I faceplanted and he took me backstage. I then chugged a full bottle of water in under 30 seconds and drank half of another one before my friends found me on a bench on the side of the stage near concessions. This concert is indoors at a place called The Basement. So yay indoors, but still tiny space full of people and I’ll be waiting in line outside for a long time. I’m bringing food and water because I would like to not die at Delta Rae. It starts at 7 so I’m going to be gone until pretty late. Saturday I’m going to do some article and blog prep and then hopefully I get at least a little sleep before work. It’ll be fun, I’m just going to keep repeating that because my friend is already worried I’m going to wilt on her. Yes, I’m a delicate flower of a human sometimes.

I’ll let you know how it goes!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Fangirl Freakouts: Tell Tale Vlog and Poe Party

Hi Internet People,

Once upon an evening dreary, as I pondered shows and series, I set to filming a quaint and curious addition to my volume of Freakouts lore. Okay, so after that random attempt at altering The Raven to introduce this video, I made a Fangirl Freakouts video all about Tell Tale Vlog and Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party by Shipwrecked.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


More Wentworth Season Four Things!

Hi Internet People,

I had thought I’d be done with Wentworth season four by now, but I have been tired after work and over the weekends I’ve been reading a lot of comics. I want to finish the fourth season this week because I have a bunch of other Netflix shows to watch (Peaky Blinders, Slasher, Salem, and Lost Girl). I just have one season to watch in each of these shows, some of which are pretty short. Peaky Blinders and Slasher should only take a couple of days, but Salem and Lost Girl will take a bit longer. Lost Girl I literally haven’t watched because after the end of season four I just couldn’t do it. I needed time to process the whole Kenzi thing. I’m still not entirely ready, but I do want to finish the show.

Anyway, back to the topic of the actual post. Wentworth is freaking crazy! I say that all the time, but seriously this show does crazy stuff all the time. Ferguson has been stirring up so much crap. I feel bad for her because she has suffered trauma, severe trauma, but she is using those women to get what she wants. You can’t trust her, ever with anything. I just can’t deal with her being so shady all the time. Then while I’ve been dealing with all of that craziness, we have Maxine’s story line. She was supposed to get treatment and she turned it all down to help Bea. Literally putting herself at risk to go make sure that Bea stays on top. So yes, madness and mayhem just happening all the time at Wentworth. I’m literally just in shock all the time about what’s going on.

Once I finish this season I’m sure I’ll have some super crazy blog about everything that happened and how I’m not okay. I think I’m normally more stressed out when a season of Wentworth ends than when a season starts.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Why I Love Carmilla

Hi Internet People,

For The Nerdy Girl Express I’m running a fan appreciation article that involves collecting what fans love about Carmilla for a big post to show what has kept people watching the show. With the third season finishing filming, and now according to KindaTV, being in the editing stages, I wanted to show our Creampuff love before this wonderful series draws to a close. I’ve been spamming it up all over Twitter because while fans are reading the article I haven’t gotten very many responses. Literally I can count them on one hand, which makes me a little bit sad. I’m sure a number of you have already shared your Carmilla love in a variety of ways, but this is a chance to showcase it in one big show of shared Creampuffery.

Okay, I know that last word is made up, but it works better than the real words I was trying to use. I thought that because I hadn’t gotten many responses that I would express why I love Carmilla and hopefully that would help get the ball rolling a bit.

I found Carmilla through Geek and Sundry’s now gone Vlogs Channel. At the time Becca Canote and Neil McNeil did Geeking Out together where they discussed and recommended queer pop culture. One day Becca mentioned Carmilla and I had really enjoyed her recommendations so I thought I’d check it out. The first season was about half over and I dove in. I watched all the episodes in an afternoon and then spent the rest of my free time tracking down all the transmedia connected to it. I fell in love with the characters and I remember that when Laura said Carmilla died I cried along with her. I honestly didn’t know if she would come back. I still get choked up when I rewatch those episodes, even though I know that Carmilla is going to come back and kiss the woman she loves.

This series was the first time that I could remember seeing queer characters presented as absolutely normal. There was no big to do about their sexuality, they just were who they were and they were accepted by everyone around them. This was also the first time I watched a show where a majority of the cast was part of the LGBTQ+ community. While I loved this aspect of the show it also led me to do more research about different members of the community. I’m from a small Midwestern town and while Lima might have had Santana and Brittany in Glee, we aren’t exactly a hub for open mindedness and acceptance. Through Carmilla I was able to become more educated and also find more queer representation on YouTube and in pop culture as a whole. Carmilla also led me into the world of web series. It was what led me to look into more literary inspired shows, like The Lizzy Bennet Diaries and March Family Letters. I love Carmilla for everything that it brought into my life, without it I would be a completely different person.

Okay, so your response doesn’t have to be this long or it can be longer. It’s entirely up to you. You can submit a picture, a tweet, even an email, yep an email. You can send them to Tweet at @kleffnotes, if it’s multiple tweets please number them so I don’t lose any of the parts. If you want to double check the details you can find the original article on The Nerdy Girl Express, the due date is Friday, August 26th and not the one listed on the website.

You can also find me on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I run The Nerdy Girl Express Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


So Many Comics, It’s Wonderful!

Hi Internet People,

This Friday I made a trip to my comic book store and picked up a ton of stuff. I had a ten dollars off coupon, which always leads me to buy more than I really should. With DC Rebirth happening I’ve decided that for the first time I’m going to actually have a pull list. I have followed some comics, but I frequently wait for the graphic novel. Sadly for Bitch Planet I wanted to keep up on the individual comics, but missed a run of them so I’ll have to wait for the graphic novel. The downside is that the collected volumes don’t have all of the great additional content in them.

From my pull list I got Suicide Squad, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, and Harley Quinn. Harley’s comic right now is hilariously morbid. Coney Island is full of zombies, but these zombies only exist because of alien tainted hot dogs. Oh and Poison Ivy just showed up with a weed whacker in a bowling alley so what’s not to love. I actually went to the comic book store to specifically find the third volume of The Wicked and The Divine. I just read the second volume and it ended on a huge cliffhanger. The third volume was done by all guest artists, which was really cool. We got to see more background for The Pantheon and this one ended on an even bigger cliffhanger! I just want to know where she is! Also I still totally want to do a Lucifer cosplay, that pompadour, that suit, so cool!

I picked up Rat Queens Volume One and absolutely loved it. I’ve heard so many good things, but this was the first time my comic book store had it in stock. I was cracking up so much when I read it. The Rat Queens were feisty and fiery, and their ability to knock back booze and drugs, yet still keep fighting was epic on so many levels. I also got the fourth volume of Lumberjanes. I love those characters and I’ve been trying to catch up with the comics. I really want to read the Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes crossover.

I have Batwoman: Elegy and DC Bombshells One and Two to read still, but I had ordered those a little bit ago and they just so happened to show up when I bought my other comics. I’m really excited to read these three, especially Batwoman because I already read the start of the story line that comes right after it. I love having time to read comics now, though my bank account might not be. I should check out the ones at my library again.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
