My Kinda Recaps: The Carmilla Movie

Hi Internet People,

So much flailing! I got very excited in my Carmilla movie video and you just need to watch it.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya later,


Fangirl Freakouts: Seasonal Alcohol Tasting

Hi Internet People,

Krista, @freegolaw, and I spent some time together and decided to try some interesting beer flavors. We’re both over 21 and not big beer drinkers so enjoy!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya later,


Fangirl Freakouts: #SwerveChallenge

Hi Internet People,

The lovely Krista, @freegolaw, and I met up and filmed a number of videos that I’m sharing here and on The Nerdy Girl Express. This one involves us trying out the three minute eye staring moment from Swerve season one in celebration of the final episode of Swerve season two.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya later,
