My Kinda Recaps: KindaTV in 2016

Hi Internet People,

It’s been a great year on KindaTV and I do my best to recap it all in the final My Kinda Recaps of 2016.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


A Pause on The Witch House

Hi Internet People,

This week with the holidays I haven’t really been thinking about Witch House stuff. I know I should be focusing a bit more, but there’s a lot going on and I’m enjoying the time with my family and the chance to just sort of catch up on things. I thought that instead this week I would just talk a bit about H.P. Lovecraft things.

Now I haven’t always been into Lovecraft, it wasn’t until I got into college and wound up becoming part of a Call of Cthulhu gaming group. I had read a few things inspired by Lovecraft and while I don’t entirely remember which story, I do know that I had come across some of his stuff in a collection of short stories at one point. When I started playing Call of Cthulhu I decided to research more of the universe and read up on some of the things my group was encountering. I read short stories online and coincidentally Vaginal Fantasy, the online book club I am woefully behind on currently, was slated to read Cthulhurotica. I read that too, honestly it’s pretty tame, and looked more into Lovecraft and the stories that inspired that book.

The more I read the more I thought some of the stories could be easily adapted, I know some already have been and I have heard that there is a tv show in the works somewhere. When I started watching webseries I found out that there were many inspired by literature, which started me thinking. Of all the stories I had read Dreams in the Witch House seemed like a natural choice for a webseries adaptation. Many of his other stories involve far too many sets and way too many physical monsters. I do love monsters, but I couldn’t think of how you could create them on a webseries budget. Witch House could happen primarily through a narrator and it would be so easy to include a webcam and a reason for someone to be recording. I really need to get to working on it more solidly in the new year.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Lots of Comic Reading

Hi Internet People,

Over the past few days I’ve been reading a lot of comics. I went to the store and picked up my pulls on Friday before Christmas and I totally hadn’t realized I would have so much to read. The Suicide Squad vs Justice League crossover has started and the first issue was full of characters. I think it’ll be really cool to see so many DC characters interacting. Then Harley Quinn had a holiday issue which was freaking hilarious. She went into Santa’s mind and wound up fighting the most random assortment of villainous beings ever.

There were also new Torchwood, Backstagers, and Spell on Wheels issues. Torchwood was full of twists and I really want to know what is going on with the mysterious stowaway. Backstagers got super creepy at the end and I loved the alternate reality-esque introduction of a new stage crew. Spell on Wheels was so wonderful and sweet, plus the women found out that there is something far more nefarious going on than they first anticipated. There was a new Detective Comics addition that had some flashback stuff in it, I am just so excited for the Batwoman stuff that I’m getting antsy for her specific storyline to start. Raven had a new issue too and whatever she is fighting is super dangerous. The evil carnival element is frightening, it reminds me a bit of Something Wicked This Way Comes.

I also picked up the newest Lumberjanes graphic novel. There were merpeople! April, who we learn loves mermaids, she learns that they actually prefer not being called that, wants to help get an underwater band back together. The merpeople have the coolest outfits and honestly I want to be a merperson now. Plus we got some great backstory for the Lumberjanes themselves. For Christmas my friend got me The DC Universe By Neil Gaiman, which I have almost bought like four times. What is so great about that book is that he loves Batman and I love Batman so it’s a combination of two of my favorite things. There’s a fun Superman and Green Lantern story in it too, plus Metamorpho. I’d never heard of him before, sorry DC folks I don’t know all the things, but his story made me laugh.

I’ve had fun chilling out and reading lots of comics, but I need to get to reading some books and binging some shows too. I’m so behind!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


It’s Turkey Lurky, Well, Tofurky Lofurky Time

Hi Internet People,

I just can’t believe that I have a whole week off still. I know I keep mentioning that on here, but honestly I am just so happy that I get this time to hangout and chill. Okay, now back on the topic of having a topic. I haven’t really mentioned that part yet now have I. Let’s talk turkey, or I guess tofurky is more the point. I know I’ve mentioned I’m a vegetarian before, but I’ve never told you about the year I decided to make tofurky.

Early in my time being a vegetarian, it’s been a long time now, I was super into trying tons of new prepackaged vegetarian food things. I still try some, but more often than not if I’m going to eat something vegetarian I either go somewhere and get it or I make something at home that isn’t just a microwaved patty. I’m totally not saying I cook anything super interesting, but the premade stuff is normally pretty expensive and I can save my money and buy other stuff.

Now when I was like a freshman in high school, yeah this was a while ago, I decided I really wanted to try tofurky. Now tofurky is a processed tofu based product that is roughly the size and shape of a cantaloupe. The center is hollowed out and it’s full of a little bit of fake stuffing stuff. That sounds delicious, right? Well, I was super dedicated to trying one and because there are no places to get vegetarian stuff like that where we live so my family had to go on a road trip. We drove two hours away to a bigger city and went to a Whole Foods. They had a random assortment of tofurky things, you could buy a separate one or you could buy a dinner package. We bought one of each and brought them home. On Christmas day we mixed up the weird seasoning stuff it said you needed to coat the tofurky in and then put it in the oven. We froze the other one, which I’ll discuss in a second. It was served alongside my family’s regular turkey and oh boy.

It was not good at all. The texture was weird, the flavor was weird, and seriously it was disgusting. We wound up throwing it out after dinner and the one in the freezer stayed there for a couple months before we remembered it was there and threw it away too. I know that sounds wasteful, but it just tasted so awful and because we had opened it we couldn’t really give it to anyone. The sides that came in the dinner kit were actually delicious. There were super tasty dumplings, but the actual tofurky was super gross. In conclusion, I hate tofu, I really do. I can only eat very small pieces of it and it has to be like hidden in something or in a soup. The texture is just so gross and it’s so bland. Blech!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Day After Christmas and Lounging

Hi Internet People,

It’s the day after Christmas so honestly I’m just going to be sleeping, lounging, eating leftovers, and spending time with my family today. I still wanted to have something up, even though I am just chilling today. I know that there are a lot of people who don’t have that luxury and are working today or you don’t celebrate this particular holiday so this is just a regular day for you, I just personally am enjoying the day.

Last year I worked in retail and I worked every major holiday and even covered days around holidays, which made spending time with my family really difficult. I really appreciate being able to spend this time with them this year. I’m hoping that in the future I’m able to have some time off around the holidays, but I honestly don’t know if that will happen. Mild downer note I need to figure out what to do with my life over the next like 6 months. I need to start looking for long term employment, or if I don’t get a long term job, I need to decide if I want to officially reapply for a second term at my current job.

But today I am going to focus on the now and enjoying myself because I want to have some fun with my family. I hope you are able to have some nice down time and even if you don’t celebrate this particular holiday or you have to work, I just hope you get a bit of time to enjoy some time however you like enjoying your time.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Just Chill Today

Hi Internet People,

I’m celebrating Christmas with my family today and I hope that you are having a wonderful and relaxing day today no matter what you celebrate or if you celebrate. Everyone deserves a day to relax and enjoy themselves.

Happy Holidays Internet People!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


My Kinda Recaps: The Duet, Boxing, and Some Merch

Hi Internet People,

I gush over the amazing Love Will Have Its Sacrifices duet, the hilarious Boxing Day video, and share some of the merch I bought in this week’s KindaTV themed video.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Brown Jenkin and The Witch House

Hi Internet People,

This week I’m trying to be on the ball and work ahead because Christmas is coming for me. That sounds remarkably ominous, but what I mean is that Christmas is this weekend for my family and I know that I won’t really have a lot of free time to spend writing things because I want to spend time with them. I’ve still been working on some thoughts for Witch House, but mostly I’ve been thinking about a character I don’t want to appear in it. If you haven’t read the original story the witch who haunts the house, Keziah, has a familiar named Brown Jenkin. This figure is very similar to a familiar from Salem Witch Trial history, but he is way creepier. Most familiars look like animals in the lore and history I have read, but Brown Jenkin is a super creepy amalgamation of things.

He is sort of like a brown rat, but he has human characteristics, which creeped me the heck out. In the version of the story that I originally read there were no pictures and the image that I had in my mind of him was awful. Like I kept thinking of him as like a furry ball that also seemed vaguely human, which is a terrifying thing to imagine when you are alone in a dark room and trying to sleep. The reason I don’t want to include him is mostly because I think trying to create him for the webseries would be difficult to properly execute. I would much rather the main character try and describe him to the camera because I think leaving him up to interpretation makes him more frightening. So while he would be mentioned he just wouldn’t physically be there. In the original story the sound of rats and mice and holes in the wall happen and for a while it does seem like it would just be regular everyday things scurrying around the room.

I just think actually having Brown Jenkin appear would wind up coming off as cheesy. Like I love schlocky horror, but I don’t want it in this webseries. I do want the idea of him there, but I want the main character to just talk about him. I’m thinking a lot of telling and not seeing will actually make this a bit more frightening as a series. It also keeps the budget a lot lower, which is key in a webseries.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
