Why I’ll Miss Wes Craven Every Time I Think of My Favorite Scary Movie

Hi Internet People,

Yesterday while I was scrolling through Twitter I was shocked to see that Wes Craven had passed away. So shocked actually that I thought it was one of those celebrity death scams, the Scream tv series is about to finale so I thought maybe someone decided to try and mess with fans, and spent about twenty minutes checking the internet and looking for links to reputable articles. When I realized it wasn’t a scam I was devastated. I am more of a recent convert to the horror genre and that is all because of Wes Craven.

About four years ago I was hanging out with a friend and we started talking about our favorite movies. One of his was A Nightmare on Elm Street and as soon as he heard I hadn’t seen it he insisted we watch it right away. I remember that as soon as the movie ended I wanted to watch more. I borrowed his Nightmare collection and watched the remaining five that weekend. I just couldn’t get enough of Freddy. The dialogue, the body language, everything about him was perfect. After Nightmare I started looking for more horror and found myself addicted. A while later I was again talking about movies and as soon as I mentioned Nightmare another friend said if I loved that I would love Scream. The following weekend I camped out at their apartment and we watched three of the four movies in the series. Strangely we couldn’t find Scream 3, even though Scream 4 had just come out on dvd. Since then I have watched both the Nightmare and Scream franchises so many times that I’ve lost count.

I will forever be grateful to Wes Craven for creating two of my favorite film franchises and for growing within me a love for horror movies that I would never have had without him. You’ll always be in our nightmares Mr. Craven.

Remember, I’ll be right back is a dangerous phrase,


Middle of the Night, Why Not Start a Blog?

Hi Internet People,

I’ve been debating about starting some sort of blog for a few months and tonight I finally decided to just go for it. For my first post I’m going to give you a general idea of what my plan is for this blog. Not super exciting I know, but after this post it will be more interesting, I promise. I love spending my free time watching and frequently live tweeting movies and tv shows. My blog, kleffnotes, will be where I write about all the things I watch. My taste is sort of eclectic, but some of my favorite things to watch include monsters, mysteries, and mayhem. There might be some random posts about stuff going on in my life, but it will always be pop culture related. Hope you stick around to see what I’m up to, I’m going to try and post pretty regularly.

Remember, you are always awesome!
