Happy Halloween and Happy NGE Anniversary Day!

Hi Internet People,

I literally cannot believe that it’s Halloween. Not only is it my favorite holiday, but it’s the anniversary of The Nerdy Girl Express. To celebrate I filmed a quick little video and while I already shared it on NGE I wanted to share it here too. If you have been checking out my blog, but not The Nerdy Girl Express you really should. I post articles as well as tons of other wonderful people.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I run The Nerdy Girl Express Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Some Quick and Easy Costume Suggestions

Hi Internet People,

With Halloween happening tomorrow I thought I’d share some of my quick and easy casual costume suggestions, just in case you need something real quick for tomorrow.

Here are some some casual full outfit ideas, these videos are almost a year old so not the best quality ever:

I also have some specific iZombie related ones in case you are thinking of going as Liv:

If you use any of these ideas let me know, I’d love to see what you do.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


It’s Just a Week Until Halloween

Hi Internet People,

I just realized that today is exactly one week from Halloween. I feel like I’m not ready at all! I haven’t done as much Halloween themed stuff this year because of my video schedule and work stuff. I just can’t believe it’s so close!

I should be going to a Halloween party at my comic book store on Saturday, but I’m not sure what costume I’d wear. I have some random bits and pieces I could throw together, but I just don’t know! If I don’t do an official costume I might just throw my Harley Quinn stuff back on and fulfill the Halloween stereotype that all women will be Harley this year. I could run to Spirit Halloween and grab some things, I did see a really cool Riddler Jacket and I have some clothes that would go with it already.

Anyway, I want to do some Halloween stuff before the big day so I’m thinking I want to rewatch and live tweet all the AHS Halloween specials. I don’t have a day picked out yet, but it will be sometime this coming week. If only I had a day off of work, then I could just do it during the day. I also might randomly watch some horror movies, but I don’t think I’ll live tweet them. Working at the video store meant I could rewatch all the Halloween movies I wanted whenever I wanted so having a job without a tv readily available has thrown a bit of a wrench in my plans.

Let me know what you have planned for Halloween and if you’d be up for some live tweeting!

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I run The Nerdy Girl Express Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Going From Mother of Dragons to Zombie Bad Ass

Hi Internet People,

I feel super behind this week. I had planned to have a YouTube video up about how to make my iZombie caution tape dress, but that still hasn’t happened. It should be up some time today, I know I keep saying that, but I don’t have to work today so I have a lot more time to get things done. I definitely need to get on the ball because Benny and I are visiting my sister this weekend, expect some fun pictures. Today I thought I would share how I got my Liv costume made for Halloween. I had thought I would do a video, but I think it will be easier with a post since I took pics of the wig while I was working on it that I can show here more easily than on YouTube.

I totally cheated for my Liv costume. I know a lot of people found lab coats and clothes that matched Liv’s from the tv series, but I just didn’t have the time. I know that’s a lame excuse, but I thought I’d make due with what I had on hand. Thankfully I had my white and black striped sweater and some black jeggings. I knew that those things matched one of Gwen’s outfits from the iZombie comics. I debated about just going as Gwen, but I thought why not just blend the two. With my clothes figured out, I found a pair of black ankle boots to wear that worked alright, I knew I needed one thing to really sell the look, white hair.

The day before Halloween my friend and I went to Spirit Halloween and let me tell you the pickings were slim in the costume department. I looked everywhere for the right wig, but was striking out. I finally found something and thought, eureka! It was almost the right color, just a little too blonde, and it was a bit on the long side, okay a lot on the long side. Technically the wig was for a “Medieval Maiden” costume, which looked identical to the Game of Thrones wig right next to it. I took on the challenge and headed home with the wig and some white hairspray.

To get the right length I got all of my hair safely tucked up inside of the lacy wig cap attached to the hair. I didn’t buy a wig cap to wear so I just worked really hard to keep my actual hair safe from the scissors. This is me in the wig before I started altering it.


After I got the wig on I parted it down the middle and made two pony tails, maybe I’m supposed to call them pigtails, to make it easier to cut the hair.


My sister cut the hair on each side right above the ponytail holders for me and this is what it initially looked like.


The wig was a bit long still, but I wanted to spray it down with the white spray to make it look a bit more like Liv’s hair. It turned out the spray was black light spray and not just plain white, but it still worked. The stuff smelled awful though. I wound up spraying it with my dry shampoo to make it smell better after it dried. In the morning before I went out I put the wig on and trimmed it again to get the shape closer to Liv’s and then I used bobby pins to pull back portions of the wig from my face.

I also did my makeup. I’ve already said I don’t do makeup well so my Liv makeup was super minimal. I used my regular concealer, it looks like a tube of lipstick but it’s beige, and put it on like I normally do when I wear makeup. Then I added white face powder, purple eye shadow, and mascara. If you want to see how I did my makeup I could show that in a video, it’d be pretty short.

Once all of that was done here’s what I looked like, in case you didn’t see my pic on Halloween.


I was actually pretty pleased with how it turned out, especially since I wasn’t sure if I would get the wig to work. I’d love to see other people’s iZombie costumes and cosplays and hear how you put yours together. You can comment below or tweet at me, @kleffnotes. I’m also on YouTube and tonight I’ll be on Periscope at 11 pm est. I’m kleffnotes both of those places too. You can also find me on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Everybody Scream, Everybody Scream, It’s Halloween!

Hi Internet People,

I know those aren’t really the lyrics to This is Halloween, but since I haven’t been able to get my official move-in papers for the town of Halloween or Halloweentown I thought it’d be okay to mess them up a bit. Today is my favorite day of the year and I am going to be dressed up all day! I know I mentioned that my comic book store is doing a costume contest so I’m going to head over there later today with Benny. I did finally decide on a costume, but I won’t be posting pics here until tomorrow. I will be tweeting some out, I promise.

I wasn’t sure what I would be doing, Benny is totally going as Ghost Rider because I had the supplies and he wanted to show that he could be a bony bad ass, but I finally figured something out. I am going as Liv in a Gwen costume, yeah I know that’s kind of random and I’m sure no one will get it. At the comic book store I’ll probably just say I’m Gwen from the iZombie comics, but you and I will know that I’m secretly Liv in a zombie costume. I even bought a wig, which was technically a Game of Thrones wig. I did some hacking and sprayed it with a bit of sort of white hair spray stuff and turned it into a sort of Liv wig.

I have to work today, but I get to wear my costume so that’ll be fun. I’m supposed to get off around 9:30 pm est so at 11 pm est I will be doing a Halloween Periscope. I’ll keep my iZombie costume on so that people can see it and I will be doing a bit of a stupid Katherine trick. I promised to sing a Taylor Swift song, though I haven’t picked one yet. I’m not a big Swifty so I don’t really know a lot of her songs. I do know two at least sort of so I’ll figure something out. I also have some random candy I want to try and it actually goes with my costume so I thought I’d try that on air too. I’d love if you could join me so at 11 pm est keep an eye out for me, I’m @kleffnotes on Periscope.

I’m hoping to film my attempt at a crime scene tape dress tutorial on Sunday night, probably technically Monday morning. I also might do a how to dress like an iZombie zombie video. I’m still getting used to having a YouTube so I’m trying my best to get stuff up. I really need to figure out how to edit things. I wind up just doing one shot videos. Not one take mind you, but the videos you see are just me talking to my camera and hoping I don’t sound too stupid. We have some cool stuff up on The Nerdy Girl Express this week that you should check out, including an interview with iZombie Nation.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Halloween is Coming!

Hi Internet People,

It’s almost Halloween! This year I am hoping to hit up the Halloween party and costume contest at my local comic book store. I’m super excited because I think this is the first one they have ever done and they have a bunch of cool stuff going on during it. There are going to be free comics, I mean I can’t pass that up. I’m also planning on bringing Benny, though I do need to get a costume together for him. I actually was thinking I might take Erin’s suggestion and make him into Ghost Rider. Sadly he won’t have a bike, but I think I could make him look pretty convincing.

There is one downside to the awesomeness of Halloween this year, sadly I have to work, but I can dress up at least. I was debating about what to wear to the costume contest, but now that I can also wear my costume to work I’m trying to figure out what exactly I can wear that would work for both places. I have random costume bits around the house and I know I’ve mentioned doing a bunch of different costumes this month, but I’m not sure exactly what to wear.

I’ll be cleaning and shelving movies at work so I can’t wear anything that would be hard to move in. I also have to make sure I’m mostly covered up. I do have some small vampire fangs I could wear, but I don’t really want to just go as a generic vampire. The costume I would love to wear to the comic book store would be Cassie Hack from Hack/Slash, but I can’t really wear it to work. I love Cassie, but her outfits are a bit on the skimpy side and I really don’t want to get sent home for being too revealing. Since I am going to the comic book store I kind of want a comic book character or at least a pop culture character that people would recognize.

I am going to do some research of my own, but I would love suggestions. I can’t really buy much so let me know what you think I can do with stuff I have sort of around the house. I have some random stuff so feel free to suggest whatever you think of either in the comments or on Twitter, @kleffnotes.

If you haven’t already watched it, you can check out my attempt at Liv’s crime scene tape dress on Youtube, My iZombie Crime Scene Tape Dress. I’m going to attempt to make a tutorial of how I made the dress in the next couple of days so I hope that works out okay. You should also check out The Nerdy Girl Express because we have a bunch of stuff going up today, including an awesome interview with iZombie Nation.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Crime Scene Tape Dress or My Trip to the Danger Zone

Hi Internet People,

I finally attempted the Liv’s crime scene tape dress from the iZombie episode Zombie Bro. Because I wanted to share my craftiness with all of you I decided to attempt the dress live on Periscope. Well, it was something let me tell you. I got on at 9 pm est, right before AHS: Hotel, and in a half hour I’m pretty sure nothing went right. I could not get my danger zone tape, yep it said danger zone all over it, to do anything that I wanted it to and I had to stop. I decided to come back at 12 am est, technically this morning, with a new plan. I grabbed safety pins and made coffee and got back to dress making.

The second time did go a lot better, but it took me an hour to make the dress and even then it was just okay. I wound up pinning the tape to my tank top and being super covered in random danger zone tape and clear packaging tape. I actually posted a video on YouTube a little while after I got the dress made where I talked about all the issues I had, including not knowing how to get the dress off. Not kidding, I was pretty sure I would have to be buried in the dress because I didn’t think it was ever coming off. Here are a couple pics of the dress to prove that it worked, sort of.

_20151029_010652 IMG_20151029_024529274

I did do some Liv Moore inspired makeup for my Periscopes and for the YouTube video. It wasn’t super fancy or anything, but I tried my best to look a little bit like the lovely Liv. It was just purple eyeshadow, lots of mascara, some kind of heavy eyeliner, and a combination of concealer, powder foundation, and white face powder.


I did manage to get the dress off, but it totally can’t be worn again. I tried to get it off without having to destroy it I promise, but it just did not work. I was trapped! I did get the safety pins out so my tank top survived. The dress though now just looks like this:


I wish I’d been able to save it, but it was either have to wear the dress for the rest of my life or destroy the thing I spent almost two hours on.

If you want to see what went into making the dress you can check out my two Periscopes, I’m @kleffnotes there, and you can check out my latest YouTube video that I linked above. You can also find me on The Nerdy Girl Express. You can also tweet at me, @kleffnotes. If you attempt this dress I would love to see it and if you find a way better way to make it, please let me know!

Talk to ya tomorrow,


It’s iZombie Kitchen Time Again

Hi Internet People,

Yesterday was iZombie Tuesday which means that today is iZombie recipe day. For this week I made something I’d never attempted before, meringues, and of course because it’s iZombie these weren’t just any meringues, they were brain meringues. Try saying that five times fast. I totally did and only got through one before it turned into a tongued tied word jumble. I went to the internet for inspiration instead of cookbooks and actually had been thinking a meringue would be the perfect thing to try for making brains. If you didn’t see them on Twitter last night here’s a quick pic of one of the finished ones.


If you’ve never had a meringue before they are like a really fluffy eggy cookie. Like taking the top of a meringue style pie and throwing it in the oven for extra long. The version I found online called for 1 and a 1/3 cup sugar, 4 egg whites, a pinch of salt, and 1/4 a teaspoon of cream of tartar. To get the right color I added red food coloring, but I still had some on hand from last week. The most expensive thing in this recipe is the cream of tartar, it was almost four dollars for a little container. I didn’t add flavoring, but I would suggest maybe adding vanilla extract or something like that to add a little bit of extra fanciness. Here’s what I used in my recipe.


You’ll also need a medium to large sized mixing bowl, an electric hand mixer, some sort of spoon, and I used toothpicks near the end. I suck at gradually adding ingredients so I put all the sugar and cream of tartar in the mixing bowl and then separated my eggs so that only the egg whites went in the bowl. I saved the egg yolks so that I could use them for something else later. I then started mixing the sugar, cream of tartar, and egg whites on medium speed for what felt like forever.


I honestly think I was whipping between low and high speed for like twenty minutes. You have to wait for the mixture to hold a stiff peak, it needs to look like whipped cream basically. Periodically I would stop and add drops of food coloring until I got the color I wanted in the mixture. I used between about 10 or 12 drops to get a healthy pink color.


This is what that stiff peaks thing should sort of look like, you get little mountains of meringue.


Once you have the necessary peaks then you can start scooping out the meringues. I used a bowl shaped table spoon to help get a rounder shape and dropped the stuff onto aluminum foil covered cookie sheets.


I used my fingers a little to round out the cookies, but you totally don’t have to do that. Then I got my red food coloring and put some in a small bowl and grabbed a toothpick. I used the toothpick to draw random wiggly lines on each of the meringues.


Before they went in the oven this is what they looked like.


You then put them in the oven for 35 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Once they were done mine looked like this.


I added some extra food coloring to the one I showed in the upper picture. Next time I would just add more squiggles before I baked them. Some of my meringues did crack and one broke so much that I couldn’t get it off the cookie sheet so they all didn’t come out perfectly.

When I tweeted out the pics of my finished product I was super excited because, ta da!


Rose McIver, yes the wonderful woman who plays Liv in iZombie favorited my tweet. I’m just going to pretend that means these meringues are iZombie approved.

If you try these I’d love to see them! You can tweet at me, @kleffnotes, or comment below. I’ll be on Periscope tonight attempting to make a crime scene tape dress like Liv’s from Zombie Bro at 9 pm est. I hope you can tune in! I’m @kleffnotes there like I am on Twitter. You can also find me on YouTube, I’ll be posting a new video after the Periscope, well after AHS after the Periscope. You can also find me and the wonderful Erica and Erin at The Nerdy Girl Express and you can tweet at us @thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Me and All The iZombie Things

Hi Internet People,

This week seems to be cropping up to be very iZombie themed. I didn’t plan it that way, but it does seem rather fitting with Halloween this Saturday. Yesterday I looked up recipes for my weekly brainy kitchening for iZombie Tuesday and found something I think should be pretty tasty. I went to the store with my brother and it actually turned into a bit of an adventure because neither one of us was having any luck finding one of the key ingredients I needed. After hunting high and low we found it. I mean we are practically Winchesters with the hunting, right? Okay, so we didn’t really save people, but we did hunt things and there was salt involved. No spoilers, I want my brainy treat to be a surprise during iZombie at 9.

Since this is the perfect week for costumes I decided I wanted to do my attempt at Liv’s crime scene tape dress. I’ve had the supplies for a couple weeks, it’s really just lots of packages of Halloween themed caution tape, but I hadn’t found the right night to try it. Since I’ve been messing around with Periscope I thought why not do it on Wednesday before AHS’s Halloween episode. So Wednesday at 9 pm est I will be trying my hand at Liv’s frat party outfit from Zombie Bro. I’m also going to throw together a YouTube video after to show how the dress turned out. Benny will probably help act as my demonstration dummy for YouTube. I’ll just be wrapping myself with the tape in the Periscope.

Also Wednesday my brainy kitchen recipe will get posted here. I can’t leave my fellow brainies hungry and it is Halloween week so bringing brains with you is totally cool. You’ll be a hit at parties, work, home, cemeteries, mortuaries, you know all the places you might go during the week.

Oh Saturday Benny and I are going to try and go to a Halloween party at the comic book store and we will definitely both go in costume. I promise to take lots of pics!

So yeah, Wednesday be on the look out for a brainy recipe here and for my Periscope at 9 pm est. I’m @kleffnotes there just like I am on Twitter. I’ll also hopefully have the YouTube video up that night too. I’ll link it here and on Twitter. You can also check out some articles about The Evil Dead I’m writing and other amazing articles by Erica and Erin on The Nerdy Girl Express. We’ll have an interview with iZombie Nation up this Friday that you should definitely check out.

Remember, pumpkins scream in the dead of night,


Let’s Do The Time Warp Again!

Hi Internet People,

It’s the start of Halloween Week and I’m super excited! I mean I’ve been excited for the whole month of October, but this is like peak week of excitement. I thought now would be the perfect time to talk about one of my favorite things that I’ve ever taken part in around Halloween. Grab your squirt guns and toast, it’s time to talk about The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

When I was in middle school, I think about eighth grade, my dad suggested I watch the movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I had never hear of it, but he said that when he used to work at a bowling alley these people used to show up in costumes with bags of random stuff and bowl until the theater nearby opened for a midnight showing. He said he’d never seen the whole movie, but he had seen some random clips because he used to put the movie in sometimes. He said something about it just seemed to scream Katherine. Well, I rented the movie and was immediately sucked in.

After that first watch I took it to my friend’s house and we watched it all the time. We even attempted to make a secret handshake based on random things the characters did in the movie. That never really took off, but we did get other people to watch the movie with us. When I was in high school a random place downtown advertised that they were doing a late night showing of RHPS and I jumped at the chance to go. I got a guy I knew to come with me and I dressed up like Magenta. My costume wasn’t great, but I did have a t-shirt on that was supposed to look like a maid’s costume and I wore fishnets and a skirt. I even attempted to make my hair sort of poofy. We went and were the youngest people there by a good 20 years. We bought party supply bags and threw things when we were told to and even did the time warp with the big group. Even if we were super out of place we managed to have an amazing time.

When I got to college during my junior year I was put in charge of Halloween plans for the entire campus. My boss knew how much I loved Halloween and just let me run with it. We had talked about doing a movie night to end the week and I immediately suggested Rocky Horror. We put together treat bags so people could throw things and play along with the prompts on screen and we suggested people wear costumes. I was worried not a lot of people would come. Not everyone knew what Rocky Horror was on campus and sometimes night events weren’t well attended. The Thursday before Halloween I got home and got dressed in my best Brad costume. Not underwear Brad, wedding Brad. I needed to help set stuff up so I couldn’t really wear a skirt. The movie was a huge success and we actually almost didn’t fit in the room we were holding it in. I led the Time Warp and made sure people followed along with the dvd cues. That night will always be one of my favorite college memories.

If you want to read more from me I am posting articles about The Evil Dead franchise on The Nerdy Girl Express this week, the first one went up today. I posted my first YouTube video this weekend so if you want to see me and some Funko figures you can check it out by clicking here. I also have some fun stuff planned for the rest of this week, including a Periscope and an attempt at Liv’s caution tape dress.

Remember, there’s a light over at the Frankenstein place,
