Why Can’t I Find Batwoman Things?

Hi Internet People,

How come I can never find any Batwoman stuff? I mean seriously, why is it so hard to find anything with Kate Kane or her alter ego on it? Okay, I know there have been some DC Bombshells things. Hot Topic had a dress and a baseball cap, which I totally should have bought, but didn’t. Yes, I am lame and should have been more on the ball, but I haven’t been able to find anything else.

I saw a figure for her a while back as a Bombshell. She’s a pretty big deal in those comics, which is one of the reasons that I love them, but that’s all I’ve been able to find. During Halloween I wanted to try and get a Batwoman mask, but I was surprised to find that while I have seen a mask much like hers it was labeled Batgirl. Batgirl and Batwoman totally have different masks. Kate Kane’s ears, yes I’m calling them ears, are much taller. They have to hide the fact that the red hair pouring out of it is actually a wig within her cowl. She also has a more Batman style costume. It is more reinforced and structured than Batgirl’s more slim and fitted piece. Now the more recent Batgirl of Burnside has combat boots, similar to Batwoman’s, but the cut and color are different. Batwoman is black and red, while Batgirl’s highlight color is yellow.

I also got really excited while at a Half Price Bookstore this weekend because I saw that they had DC Bombshells keychains. Now I do like Bombshells Harley, I own her bomber jacket, but I have so many other Harley things already. I searched through every rack and all I found were Harley, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl. Seriously no Batwoman anywhere. If someone knows where I can find Batwoman stuff please let me know because I desperately want to add to my collection. I also really want to get that costume put together.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Speedy Supergirl Catch Up

Hi Internet People,

I have been doing my best to catch up on Supergirl season one and I finally did it! Over the holiday weekend I did as much watching as I could. I finished season one and am hunting for the first two episodes of season two. The CW has a great app and the website is really easy to use, but once they hit a certain episode number they start pulling older episodes. Now I will admit that I’m writing this post a little early. My Monday night is very busy and I wanted to make sure I got a post up for today.

Hopefully I will have the first two episodes tracked down before this actually goes up. I really want to get caught up. I have seen so many posts and pictures about the most recent episodes of season two and I really want to be able to talk about everything that’s happening. I was hoping that The CW would put all the episodes back with the massive four series crossover happening this week, but I’m not going to hold out hope that that is going to happen.

I have really liked season one and from what I know of season two I am dang excited to get caught up. When the show was originally on CBS I could never get the time to watch it and then when I attempted to get caught up I still couldn’t do it fast enough. I just kept putting it off, which was dumb because now I’m missing awesome stuff. It’s going to happen I’m going to get all the way caught up I swear!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Busy and Exciting Monday

Hi Internet People,

Today might be the busiest Monday I have ever had and I am so fricking excited about it! Like any Monday I have work from 8 to 4:30, though I may work to leave at 4 by skipping lunch for the day. The reason for that is that I have a really epic night planned. Now Monday is Lucifer night and I will be live tweeting like I always do, but that’s not the only awesome thing happening.

Stacy, who is absolutely fabulous and sets up all our interview times for The Nerdy Girl Express, recently set up not one, but two interviews for me tonight. We have them organized so that I get roughly 45 minutes with each person. We’ve already announced who I’ll be interviewing on Twitter so you can get more details there, I will say it is a Syfy heavy night and I am dang excited about it. I am interviewing two actors who play two of my favorite characters on two of my favorite shows.

I worked on getting all my questions prepped in advance and I’ve gone through and made sure that they make sense. I try and edit a bit so that the questions don’t sound too repetitive. I’ll also be filming and editing a video tonight for Lucifer, like I always do. I’m going to make sure to spend time working on getting the interview ready to post during the week. It is going to be great! I’m so excited about tonight! Fingers crossed that it all goes well.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


So Many Amazing Comics to Read

Hi Internet People,

On Friday for my birthday I decided to splurge and buy kind of a lot of comics at my local comic book store. They were running a buy one, get one half deal, which meant that I could get my dad’s Christmas present and grab a graphic novel for myself. I finally picked up Superman: Red Son. I’ve been wanting to read it for ages and I found it behind some other Superman books. I also had my pull list to pick up, plus some additions. The latest Harley Quinn comic was hilarious and then got really sad right at the end. Harley and Ivy are so cute together and dang it, Ivy I know you have the planet to help, but I just want you two to live together.

Detective Comics is examining the victims of Batman with the Victims Syndicate and there was an epic teaser in the back for the Batwoman comic happening in January. WOOOOOO!!!!! BATWOMAN!!!!!! Snotgirl is getting even trippier, I love the writing in it and the art is just so cool. I read issue four of Backstagers and that ending was spooky! I added Raven to my pull list and whatever monster she is fighting is doing dangerous stuff and she is not doing okay trying to fight it. Then I magically found some comics hiding out in my house. Somehow I got Slab #1 and #2 at one point and just put them in my room. I need to read them asap, I loved Remote from them and the universes are related.

I grabbed so many graphic novels too. They were all on clearance and I couldn’t resist. I picked up the second volume of new 52 Harley Quinn, an older Harley Quinn book with her in her Animated Series outfit, and Batman-Vampire. I love Batman and vampires so I honestly couldn’t just leave it there. I also picked up a comic called Phonograph which sounded interesting. Then for my birthday my folks got me a Sherlock Holmes book that looks really cool, I love Sherlock comics.

I totally have a lot to read and I am super excited about it!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


My Kinda Recaps: Sadie’s Last Days on Earth

Hi Internet People,

I talk about the trailer KindaTV released for Sadie’s Last Days on Earth, make faces about baby food, and remind everyone that the final bundle giveaway is today.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Hey, It’s My Birthday

Hi Internet People,

I know that Fridays are supposed to be for working on writing webseries things, but I’ve been a bit busy mostly because Thanksgiving and my birthday are super close together. Today is actually my birthday, I’m writing this a bit early because my sister and I are going Black Friday shopping and I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be home. I also will probably fall asleep and wasn’t sure what I’d be doing for my birthday.

I also don’t really have that much to write. I had a pretty nice Thanksgiving, though I slept for a lot of it. I went to church with my family and then napped until dinner at 4:30. I did have fun with some people from work on Wednesday. We got to leave work a little early thanks to a call from the big wigs and we all went out for food at a local Mexican restaurant. I didn’t have to pay for anything because two of the people I was with said it was my birthday present. I also wound up with two margaritas. I was only going to drink one, but the person buying my drinks ordered me a second one.

After that I wound up going to see Moana with my sister and friend Bri. If you’ve been considering seeing it or even if you weren’t, it’s a good movie. Moana is a complex character and she insists multiple times that she isn’t a princess. There also isn’t a love story involved, Moana is a young girl trying to fulfill her destiny. The chicken is hilarious and even though I didn’t expect to I totally cried watching this movie. Not just once, I cried twice because some of the scenes are just so touching. Moana’s relationship with her grandmother is so wonderful.

Alright, well I’m going to celebrate my birthday and I hope that you have a really good day too. I’m thinking I’ll have some sort of cake and I need to figure out what exactly I’m going to get for dinner. I’m thinking something delicious and tasty.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


That Clawing Ache in the Pit of My Stomach

Hi Internet People,

Okay, seriously I think the news media is killing me. Every day I get up, I go about my day, I check social media, and even on days where I wake up thinking today could be a good day, there is some terrible report about something that makes me feel an aching pit in my stomach. I was already stressed pre-election and with the election ending the way it did I am exhausted and panicky every day. If you hadn’t guessed I am a liberal minded person and yes, I voted for Hilary Clinton. This isn’t about who I voted for, heck it isn’t even about who you voted for, it is literally about all the crap that keeps appearing in the news and how I don’t understand how more people aren’t scared.

There have been reports and articles about the rise in hate crimes, and even if they aren’t happening around you, they are still happening. People are still being attacked, threatened, and harassed for who they are. I have seen multiple discussions of the rise in white supremacist speech, which terrifies me. Yes, I am a white woman living in the Midwest, and even with a rise in vocalizations of anti-everything speech, I personally will probably be safe overall. I don’t go out, I don’t talk to many people at work, and while I support causes my discussions online are minimal. I want to help people, I want to make sure that people are safe, but I am weak and scared. That weakness, that fear, it doesn’t help anyone. I know that, I do, I wish I were stronger, I wish I were braver, and I wish I could help people more.

I turn 26 this week and all I keep thinking is does it even matter? Will anything matter as things seem to get worse even before the presidency starts? It doesn’t matter what he wants to do, it really doesn’t. He’s the president and can’t unilaterally do anything based on the system we have in place, at least in most cases. What I am terrified of is that the American people will become more violent, that those who once felt at least a modicum of safety will have that torn away, that they will have to hide or act as though they agree with things that they don’t. I had thought that my country was making strides, that we were becoming a place where all people could be accepted for who they are, but the more I read the more I think that I should never have hoped.

I need to be stronger and be braver because I need to help, I need to do more, but I’m just not sure how. If you find this and you are scared I understand, I do, because the world is getting scarier every day and even though they say it will get better I worry that it never really will.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Where Did November Go?

Hi Internet People,

This month feels like it flew by. I keep thinking it’s October, which I know is totally wrong since I very clearly remember November 8th happening, but it still happens. I have no idea how this happened and it makes me feel like I haven’t really gotten anything done. I have had some stuff going on with work like out of the office presentations and some cool trainings, but overall work has been pretty calm. Stuff for The Nerdy Girl Express has been pretty busy though. I’ve been doing a lot of videos every week, some weeks had a video every day, and recently I’ve been reviewing a lot of comic books. It’s been absolutely amazing being able to do so much for the site, but I’m wondering if doing all of that has been what made this month fly by.

The other reason could also be that my birthday is coming up very soon. I typically don’t feel any different on my birthdays, mentally I know that I’m a year older, but physically it’s not like I ever notice any real change. I’ll still have grey hair, I’ll still randomly get acne breakouts, and I’ll still be confused by how both of those things can exist at the same time. Really, if I’m going to have noticeable grey hairs I’d like my body to just stop with the whole zits thing. This year has been odd, I’ve felt older, but not in the way I would have expected. I’ve been stressed out and exhausted and feeling like I should be doing more with my life. I currently have a job, but the contract is up in July. I can get it renewed for a year, but I had always thought when I was younger I’d have done more by now.

I wanted to write a novel, which I acknowledge is totally not going to happen. I just don’t think I could sit down and write one now, also totally can’t think of an idea to save my life. I do have the webseries idea floating around, but I’m not sure when I’ll have any of that fully figured out. I also thought I’d be living on my own and I’d have a cat by this point. If you haven’t noticed or seen me mention it, I am one of those stereotypical millennials that lives at home. My current job is great, but the pay isn’t. I can’t afford to live anywhere, especially since I would have higher expenses than I did in grad school. As my birthday gets closer I just keep thinking I should have done more or accomplished more by now. Sigh, nothing I can do about it, unless you have a time turner you can lend me so I can retroactively go do something exciting.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
