Plans for My Kinda Recaps

Hi Internet People,

This week there won’t be a web series on KindaTV again, but I have an idea. There are so many web series already on KindaTV that I think I could do full season recaps for some of their preexisting content. I’m thinking about doing MsLabelled first because Rebecca Liddiard, who plays Ella, is currently in the show Houdini and Doyle on Fox.

It has two season so I could do one this week and one next week, which I think would work well. Then there is honestly so much content that I would be able to do a few different weeks with different  shows. I think it will be fun and will give me a chance to watch some shows I really enjoy all over again. I’m planning on doing two Carmilla recaps before the premiere of the new season. We don’t have a date yet, but hopefully I’ll be able to plan it out soon.

Okay, this is a super short post, but I’m really tired and need to sleep. Yes, I’m writing this post the night before. It’s what I normally have to do in order to make sure that they go up at a decent time.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Not a Real X-Men Review

Hi Internet People,

Yes, the title of my post isn’t great, but I wanted to talk about X-Men: Apocalypse a little bit. I went to see the movie last night and I wanted to share some brief non-spoilery thoughts. Okay, so to begin with I’m not going to mention the actual plot just a couple of character things.

I was excited going into this movie because we had four new female characters that I thought would be pretty key to the plot. What surprised me was how little some of these new characters actually got to speak within the movie. Beyond that many of them got little to no back story at all. Storm appeared pretty early in the film and while she was shown as one of Apocalypse’s four main followers in the previews she appeared sporadically throughout the movie. She did speak to Apocalypse and later near the end of the movie. This was also the case for Psylocke. There is no discussion of why she is where she is when she is introduced. She also has very limited lines. She speaks to Apocalypse, but beyond that is mostly just standing with him and his other followers. Both of these women get some really cool fight scenes, but Angel and Magneto definitely have more screen presence out of the four followers.

I had really hoped Storm and Psylocke would get to do a lot more in this movie, especially with Jean Grey and Jubilee shown joining the X-Men team. Actually, that’s a bit misleading. Jubilee has about two lines, maybe a little bit more than that, and isn’t part of the fight at all. I had thought with the amount of news I heard about her character that she would be part of the fight. Jean Grey did get to show off a lot of her powers, which I think could lead to some very interesting things. Maybe in the next movie we’ll get more female characters at the forefront. I know that Mystique is pretty integral to these movies and I love her character, but I would like more female mutants to become part of the action.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Oh Hey, It’s Sunday

Hi Internet People,

I feel like I say this all the time, but my work schedule has been super weird again. I literally can’t remember the day of the week because I had to cover a shift for my former manager. Yeah, weird things happened this week. My manager is suddenly not my manager and we have a new manager. She’s nice, but no one knew this change over was happening, not even those two managers until Tuesday of this week. It’s been a bit of a crazy transition with me not being trained enough to actually do stuff I’m apparently supposed to know how to do. That was a fun realization and I have a job interview lined up because no one knew anything was happening at the stores.

I don’t know what will happen with this job interview, but I’m looking forward to going. I also have another job possibility that I am really interested in. I don’t want to go into details, but I am interested by both positions. I just don’t want to leave this new manager high and dry so we will see what happens. But hey it’s Sunday and most people are enjoying a three day weekend so seriously go have fun everyone. I’m working the entire weekend, but I think I’m going to see X-Men tonight and I’m really excited. I have refused to read any reviews because I really want to be surprised. I hate spoilers most of the time and I have enjoyed all of the other X-Men movies so I didn’t want to get it ruined for me. Also Talking Preacher is going to air and I’m really excited. I loved the premiere and I think it will be a great after show.

This was just a quick little post because you should be off having fun and enjoying yourself, well unless you have to work too. If you can still try and do something fun before the holiday is over.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Seriously Inseparables I Want a Season Two

Hi Internet People,

I know I talk about All For One a lot, but I really just think about the show all the time. The first season was just so amazing and I want to have more of it in my life. I need to start my web series researching,  I have a sort of list compiled and there are a few things on my to watch list already, but still All For One is just on my mind a lot.

I think about what the show would be like from different characters’ points of view, what other characters were up to during the events we saw, what the inseparables are doing when they aren’t online, and I’ve even wondered what Mu Sigma Theta was like when Dorothy’s gran was there. Seriously, wouldn’t you want to know what that version of Dumas was like. Oh! Maybe Dorothy has a diary from it or could regale us with stories of Dumas’ past. See I just have random thoughts. I have been trying to think of what Treville and Anne were doing with everything going on. What does Treville do all the time? What has Anne been up to while our main characters have been running around working to destroy the pictures of her?

I also still really want to know if canonicallyace from the inseparables is Beth from March Family Letters. That was such a good web series and it ended without us knowing definitively whether Beth was going to survive. Now canonicallyace did say she was sick, but was doing better. Please, I want to think that Beth is alive and the March sisters and all of their friends are doing amazing things. Does anyone want to just hang out and randomly talk about All For One and March Family Letter theories and things with me?

If you want to chat you can comment below or find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes. You can also find me on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


It Was Such a Busy Tuesday

Hi Internet People,

Technically I had Tuesday off, but I found myself doing a lot more than I anticipated. I got to sleep in until about 12:30, which was wonderful, then I got up and had to make myself look put together and professional. If you haven’t checked out my blog before you might not know that I’ve been considering making a change in my life. Nothing too crazy, but I’m looking to see if I can find a new path.

An area organization held a job fair and I decided to go. I edited my resume a bit and put together a business casual look to try and be impressive. My only worry was that the jobs wouldn’t really be things I could do. We have a lot of factories and hospitals in the area so a number of potential jobs are connected to manual labor or nursing. I’m not super physically active, I can lift heavy things if need be, but I don’t think I could build a tire or put a car together. I also have no nursing background. I thought about it as a kid, but decided it just wasn’t for me.

I got to the event and was a little bit worried because I wasn’t sure what was going on. I got there right at the start, which was probably a bit of a bad idea. When I worked as part of the Student Activities Office during undergrad I used to run events and normally the first half hour is a bit hectic. I stood around awkwardly for about 5 minutes until one of the event runners saw me and asked if I’d signed in. After finding the table, I was approached by a man from our local paper. He wanted to follow me around and take pictures of me interacting with the various people running booths. I agreed and wound up getting a bunch of pics taken while I was chatting to a woman from a local college. I then went to a bunch of other booths and one woman was really pleased with my resume and actually thought she might have a job for me. I’m holding out to see where that goes, it would be really great to do something besides work at the video store.

After the event I ran to library and picked up an application. I then grabbed lunch and ran errands with my mom. There was a little bit of down time at the house, but then I filled out the library application and worked on editing two resumes so that I could email someone from the job fair and then get to the library with a slightly different version before they closed at 8. I finally got back home and changed around 7:30. I work tomorrow, but oddly only for 3 hours and then I have a day off. It shouldn’t be too bad. Though I did lose a day off this week because of weird scheduling issues. I’m hoping to hear back about job things soon and I’ll have to pick up a paper to see if I actually got included.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Pop Culture Kleffnotes: Houdini and Doyle Meet Spring Heel’d Jack

Hi Internet People,

This week I decided to make another Pop Culture Kleffnotes video inspired by the latest episode of Houdini and Doyle. Our title characters are investigating some mysterious murders that seem to be connected to a legendary character named Spring Heel’d Jack. I give a brief history of the figure and throw in some Jack the Ripper connections, maybe he’ll show up before the season is over.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Let’s Get An All For One Season Two! #A4OS2

Hi Internet People,

Today is the first Monday where we won’t have a new All For One episode on the horizon. Now we had Mondays during the series that didn’t have new episodes, you remember the two week hiatus before the live event, but this is the first time that we won’t have new episodes to look forward to sometime in the near future.

With that in mind I think this is the perfect day to officially start a campaign for season two. The cast and crew all sound like they’d be interested in doing more episodes together and Sarah Shelson and Bob Lackie have both mentioned season two plans. So Inseparables to show how much we want a season two I’m suggesting we plaster social media with #A4OS2. Share your favorite moments, share what the show means to you, pictures, fan art, everything you can think of with that hashtag because we really need a season two.

This show is amazing and is full of so many amazing female characters, great representation of the LGBTQ+ community, and personally it has helped me make great connections with lots of new people. There is just so much they could do in a second season. We had Monty arrive, Dornie getting together, there’s an election coming, and I don’t trust that Miller won’t be up to something shady, and I want to see all of it. I also really want to know if canonicallyace coming back means that Beth from The March Family Letters is okay. I am still holding out hope for a second season of that show too, Alejandra is in both series and does a fabulous job.

Now get to plastering social media with #A4OS2 and let’s get a season two Inseparables!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


I Am Far Too Old For Some Things

Hi Internet People,

I have official reached the point in my life where I am too old to go to parties. Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch, but I am at least too old to go out to certain parties. Last night I went out with my friend Bri to a sort of mutual friend of ours apartment for a belated birthday party. Now I know this friend, I have hung out with her before and even went to a Christmas get together at her apartment before, but we aren’t super close. We have never exchanged phone numbers and I don’t have Facebook so she doesn’t message me or anything.

Bri informed me about the party yesterday and I thought sure, I’ll go. I heard a few people would be there and one of them was a person I did shows with in high school and I thought it would be fun to see him. We got there and admittedly we were very early. Most parties, well at least this party, don’t start until later in the evening, which led Bri and I to go on a bit of a snack related expedition. When we got back more people had arrived and we had high hopes. It didn’t go exactly the way either of us planned. I wound up getting insulted multiple times and accidentally pointing out a spelling error in a craft project the host had made. The host and her roommate were great, even though I started feeling like the night was not going the way anyone planned.

It was great really (please note the sarcasm), the sort of event that makes you think I am an old woman masquerading as someone far younger than she actually is. I have a baby face, somehow everyone thinks I’m way younger than I actually am. I really just think I am too old for parties. I never really went to many in college so I probably shouldn’t be surprised, but oh well. I will just go forth not partying or at least probably not accepting invites to parties where I think people will be weird.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes,  on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
