Fangirl Freakouts: #ClexaCon2018 Wrap-Up

Hi Internet People,

I am back from ClexaCon and I wanted to share my thoughts on this year’s events. I’d love to hear how your convention went so feel free to share in the comments or on Twitter.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya later,


Katherine is Away at ClexaCon

Hi Internet People,

I’m off doing fun things at ClexaCon and won’t be writing anything here, but over on The Nerdy Girl Express I’ll be sharing updates until I get back home. You can check everything out over there. There’ll be new posts up here when I get back and rested up!

Talk to ya later,


I Came, I Saw, I Brunched

Hi Internet People,

I have officially brunched! Randomly on Sunday night my friend and I decided to host a brunch. We messaged some people and started getting supplies and on Monday we threw a nice little event. Neither one of us had ever hosted a brunch and I was the only one who had ever been to one. Where we live isn’t exactly a brunch hosting town, we actually tried to find a place that served it and struck out.

While she made scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon, I threw in some biscuits, cinnamon rolls, and prepped some additions. I also had been in charge of buying mimosa supplies so I had to make sure we had enough champagne and orange juice. Neither one of us had ever had a mimosa either, but I love orange juice and I’ve had it with gin so I had a feeling I’d like it. More people wound up showing up than we initially expected, but we had a great time. We also served a lot of mimosas, but a lot of food got eaten too.

Once things had settled down I totally wound up taking a nap and waking up around dinner time. Her family had invited me and another person to stay so I ate some mashed potatoes, they were having a steak dinner and I wasn’t going to try and make a vegetarian thing while they were busy in the kitchen. It was a lot of fun and I’m totally going to have to throw one of them again.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Geek Trivia Excitement!

Hi Internet People,

Tonight my local comic book store is hosting their second Geek Trivia night and I am super excited. My team, The Gotham Knights, did alright the first time and it was a lot of fun. This week the entire team, plus a new member were supposed to be there, but my friend Bri’s work schedule got super messed up. Her boss scheduled her to work literally the only day she wrote off and her shift is so long that she can’t even work during the day and come to the event after.

We’ll still have a full team, but she and I had been talking about going back ever since the first one ended. Geek Trivia is at this little sort of bar thing in town so it’s all adults and it’s really fun. The questions are really diverse and there are going to be some new rules this time. I’m making sure to put together a Batman inspired outfit again. The last time I wore my Batgirl dress and my Batsignal leggings. This time I’m planning on wearing my Joker Snapback and I’m going to work off of that.

Without Bri there the dynamic will be a little bit different, especially since we’ve added a new person. We’ll just have to see how it goes, but I stil think it’ll be fun. They had a lot of people there and I’m thinking there will be even more after how successful the past one was. We’ll just have to see how we do, maybe we’ll even do something surprising and win.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


I Had Such An Amazing Time!

Hi Internet People,

I talked about seeing Hannah Hart briefly in my review of Buffering over on The Nerdy Girl Express, but I wanted to talk about all the fun I had Thursday night and all day Friday with my friend Maria and my sister Mary in more detail. I was able to get all of Buffering read before I went to Columbus, which added to the excitement I was already feeling about the trip. After a long day at work Maria and I grabbed Taco Bell on a very rainy day and headed out. The drive was really wet, but we listened to an awesome playlist and got to our hotel a little before 8. We got unpacked and then headed out to pick up my sister.

We wound up stopping at Target, which is one of my favorite places and I really wish we had one in the city of Lima, I splurged and bought Halloween stuff and Mary found me some awesome clearance shirts, one of which I wore to the book signing the next day. We all wound up buying clothes, snacks, and Mary managed to find dinner in the 20 minutes that we went shopping. The store was closing and we had no idea, but we shopped fast. We got into the hotel for the night around 10:30 and we planned to get to the bookstore around 6 am, which meant pretty much no sleep was going to happen. Mary read all of Buffering, we watched Dirty Thirty, prepped for the next day, and watched a movie that I think Maria may have found in the Upside Down. It was a strange musical called Open House and there are only two references to it online. It’s so weird!

The next day literally looked exactly the same as the night before. Rain was falling and we were all wearing aspects of our clothes from the night before. I didn’t want my Hannah meeting outfit to get all gross. We got in line, we were really close to the front, and hung out with some really cool people and chatted, also complained about the rain, until we could go in and buy our books. Then we walked back out into the rain and got bagels and coffee at Panera across the street, took Mary back to school, and Maria and I took naps until around 11:30. Then we went to Easton Mall and I bought The Secret Loves of Fangirls and got a new Funko Horror Surprise box, I didn’t get Elvira this time! After walking around in the grey weather we grabbed tea at Starbucks and headed out to get Mary. We got ready at her dorm, Mary did my hair because I am hopeless at it, and then we went to wait at OSU’s Barnes and Noble. We got more Starbucks and I wound up buying My Drunk Kitchen. I was totally going to read it, but I was so excited I couldn’t concentrate.

We went up to the signing and it was all kind of a blur of things. We met up with some of the people from that morning and we all tried our best to not freak out. Meeting Hannah was amazing! She is so sweet and nice and really good at giving hugs. We were all so excited that after meeting her we hung around and tried to chill, then we grabbed Chinese food. We went back to see Hannah head out and then it was back on the road to take Mary back to campus and so Maria and I could get home.

Everything went by so fast and I’m still in shock that I met Hannah. I know it happened, but totally can’t process that fact. I wish I’d talked to her more, but oh well it was still great. My sister and I were talking about how it would just be cool to hang out with her because she’s so chill. I could totally make an epic cheese plate for the occasion. If you haven’t read Buffering yet you really should, it’s such a good book.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I run The Nerdy Girl Express Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Okay, So Really Hoping This Happens

Hi Internet People,

This week I’m hoping to have something really cool happening that I can talk about on here in lots of detail. Okay, that sounds really vague, but I’m really hoping that this actually happens and nothing stupid happens to mess it up. On Friday Hannah Hart is doing a book signing in my state and I am really really hoping that I get to see her. When she first announced her book tour as soon as she said Ohio State I freaked out. I jumped on the site and found the date and time. I was super excited to go and then a day happened where I thought I wouldn’t get to go at all.

My sister and I love Hannah, we watch her videos together and when we aren’t together we talk about recent videos she’s posted. Her channel is one of the things that we use to connect even though we don’t see each other all the time. My sister lives in Columbus so we thought it would be a super easy thing. My friend Maria is coming too and we initially thought we’ll head down to Columbus on Friday during the day and then go to the book signing in the evening. Well, unlike all the other book signings that allow you to either preorder a book/buy a ticket in advance, OSU has a completely different set up.

When I found that out I thought we were doomed. I work an 8 am-4:30 pm job Monday through Friday, my friend Maria works at a college and is also working on her thesis, and my sister is in college and has Friday classes. We thought all was lost, but it turned out that my sister has a flexible Friday schedule, Maria has two days off, and my boss let me take a personal day. Now we have an elaborate plan to make sure we get in that involve a hotel room, very early alarms, and standing outside of a bookstore. We are really, really hoping that our plans will ensure that we can see Hannah Hart because we are all so excited. It would be miserable if we couldn’t get into the event. Fingers crossed that it all works out everyone!

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Very Lazy Sunday Yesterday

Hi Internet People,

Yesterday I had a super lazy Sunday and it was lovely. Saturday I did some shopping with my family and then my friend Bri invited me and my brother to hangout at her house. We played this board game with her parents called Bezzerwhizzer. It’s a trivia game, but all the questions are sort of randomized. We played it 4 times in a row and our team won. Admittedly the other team got slammed with some really hard questions. Then I spent the night and stayed up chatting with Bri for a while and finally fell asleep around 3 or 4 am. I sort of slept on and off, then her puppy woke me up at 11.

When I got home on Sunday I was still pretty tired, so after putting my stuff away I laid down in my room and napped. I sort of napped on and off for a few hours and finished the latest season of Portlandia. I was too tired to watch Penny Dreadful, which was the next show I had on my list to watch. I need to be able to pay attention for Penny Dreadful, especially since I promised to tell people my thoughts on the finale of the last season.

So mostly this Sunday I’ve napped and relaxed. I also used it as a prep day for the rest of the week. I have training for work on Thursday and Friday, but I’m going to get so see a friend of mine I haven’t seen in years Friday night. Then Saturday I’ll be hanging out with my brother and sister because it’s homecoming at my sister’s college. It should be a fun weekend, even if work and training will be really busy.

I hope you had a nice Sunday too and that you have some fun stuff planned for your week. Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


In Which I Suck At Going Out

Hi Internet People,

On Friday night I went out on the town, well sort of. Earlier in the week I had suggested to a friend of mine that we should go do something over the weekend. We invited a bunch of people to go with us to a local bar that was hosting their first ever live band night. We had a few people who said they’d go along, but by Friday only my friend Bri and I were still able to go. After work I made myself a quick dinner and lounged around the house until I decided to start getting ready.

I did my makeup, which looks roughly the same every time I do it. Dark eye, pale foundation, red lip. Yeah, I sort of look like either a vampire or Harley Quinn depending on the eye makeup intensity. I then attempted to curl my hair and literally failed. Nothing happened and my hair just wound up looking like I had been asleep for a few hours and hadn’t brushed it ever. I wound up texting my sister and she suggested a way to make my hair a bit less bleh. Then I hung out at Bri’s and her puppy accidentally cut my hand, she’s teething and it didn’t really hurt. I just looks a bit like a long paper cut.

We got to the bar around 10, the band started at 11, and we hung out and chatted about our week. Then when the band started we watched them for a bit, but it just wasn’t that exciting. There were so few people there, with the band and people working there it was about 15 people total. We were just sort of there hanging out listening to covers of popular songs, which we could have listened to casually at one of our places. We wound up leaving the bar just a little after midnight, but this happened after I accidentally walked into the wrong unmarked bathroom. I don’t go to the bar often enough to know that, even though the bathrooms are unmarked and technically gender neutral, that one is assumed to be for men and one is for women. I had to pee and wound up walking into the men’s room, though again technically not a men’s room.

Admittedly I should just stop going to bars. I’m not really a bar person I guess, though a friend of mine who lives in a bigger city has offered to take me out one weekend to check out some of their favorite places. In my hometown though I think I should stick to plans not involving bars. I still had a nice time with Bri, but we totally could have just chilled out with her puppy and watched tv.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


A Wonderful Weekend So Far

Hi Internet People,

The weekend isn’t even over yet and it has been an absolute delight. On Friday I was able to spend time with a friend I haven’t seen in almost a year. Last year we got together and binged an entire season of Doctor Who and we had planned to binge another season this weekend. We got thai food, which we both rarely get to eat, and then got tons of snacks and some drinks to enjoy later in the evening. While we both love Doctor Who we actually wound up watching Trick R Treat, But I’m a Cheerleader, and Electra Woman and Dyna Girl instead. We also thought about watching Queer As Folk and a bunch of other LGBT tv series on Netflix, but we got to talking and never started anything. She wound up spending the night and on Saturday we slept in and then hung around the house snacking and chatting until she left around five. We are planning on meeting up together soon to go to Halloweekends at Cedar Point and she’s going to join me and my sister on our trip to see Hannah Hart in Columbus on October 21st.

After my friend left on Saturday I got dressed for the day in clothes a bit nicer than what I was bumming around in and got myself ready for an interview with James Hutson for The Nerdy Girl Express. He was wonderful and the interview was a lot of fun, I look forward to sharing it on the site. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to reveal anything that will be in it, but it was just such a great time. Though my Twitter skills failed me afterward, but I fixed it after a quick phone call from James, who is totally not named John.

It has really been a great weekend and today I am going to be hosting a live tweet binge of The Leslie at 2 pm est. I think it is going to be really great and I’m hoping a ton of people join in. I’ll be on Twitter before hand showing off my snapback and sharing whatever pics people want to tweet.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
