Blogging with Benny: Skelfie Time

Hi Internet People,

It’s been a long time since a Blogging with Benny and since I’d been sucking at taking photos of everybody’s favorite skeleton he decided to take it upon himself to make sure there were pics this week. I present to you Benny’s skelfies!

This first one is just a traditional selfie style skelfie with Benny cheesing it up for the camera.


This second one he calls Hats On (These titles aren’t great you guys, but hey he’s dead, it happens)


Third skelfie of the bunch is The Shade, Oh the Shade! Also somehow my phone, which Benny borrowed, randomly added purple filters. No clue, I don’t ask questions of the technology because if I do I fear they’ll see that as weakness and assume they can destroy me first in the robot apocalypse. Jokes, these are the jokes, which I would cue laugh tracks for, but hey we’re on a budget.


This final skelfie is Two Heads are Better Than One, with a special appearance from Ed, who happens to be a head.


Any suggestions for what you’d like to see Benny doing in Blogging with Benny posts? You can comment below or tweet me, @kleffnotes. You can also find him in some of my videos on my kleffnotes YouTube channel. I’m hosting a huge Funko giveaway that you should definitely check out there. You should also check out all the amazing articles over on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Family Fun Day

Hi Internet People,

This Saturday was a bit of a lazy day for me, so while I was napping and being a huge bum, Benny hung out with my siblings. He started the day with some YouTube video watching with my sister.


They had to borrow my laptop, but when I snapped the picture they hadn’t picked a video to watch yet, that’s why you can see my random background. Turns out they watched Leighannsays and grav3yardgirl.

After video watching with my sister, Benny had some bro time with my brother. The two of them watched the Bengals/Steelers game, and Benny even dressed for the occasion.


My sister is heading back to school tomorrow so after watching part of the game, Benny helped her get her suitcase ready to go. He tried to get it moved by the door, but he didn’t exactly have the muscle to get it all the way there.


After packing the two of them got a little silly and wound up messing around. I caught the two of them doing some balancing act stuff. I was pretty impressed.


Benny was pretty worn out after that and decided to head to bed early and I hung out with my sister most of the rest of the night watching movies and eating junk food. I had planned to film a video, but was just too tired. Tomorrow I’m going to record a bit after work. If you have any suggestions or things you want to chat about you can comment below or tweet at me, @kleffnotes.

If you want to check out videos I already have up you can find them on my YouTube channel. You can also find awesome articles over on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Party like a Cadaver

Hi Internet People,

New Year’s Eve has come and gone and now it’s time to share some of the shenanigans that a certain skeletal gentleman got up to. I’m not sure he realized I was taking these photos, but oh well. I didn’t get up to much partying, darn work schedule, but I did have fun watching Benny get down with his bad self.

Well, somehow minutes after the ball dropped while I was serving up pudding pie, my family has pudding pie every year for New Year’s, Benny suddenly shouted that he was going to do something awesome. Before I could stop him he was suddenly performing a death defying feat. Well, he technically said it couldn’t be death defying because he’s already dead, but whatever, still scared me. I present the amazing Benny!


Yeah, I have no idea why he thought this was a good idea, but Benny decided to do a bat like hang from our basement railing. He’s totally fine I promise. I wouldn’t have taken the picture if I thought anything would happen.


I snapped this photo at the end of the night when Benny finally wound down. There was a lot of wine in that bottle when the evening started, but even though I’m not sure exactly where it went he managed to finish it all off. I tucked him in and put the bottle in the recycling once he had fallen asleep.

This last photo is from New Year’s Day itself. I had to go to work, but when I got home I found my bony buddy recuperating from his late night.


It’s sometimes a little hard to tell when he’s sleeping, but he did mumble when I started taking the picture. I got him some water and toast and told him to take it easy, but he was definitely out of it for most of the day. He was totally fine by the 2nd. He and I both got to sleep in that day.

With the start of the new year I’m hoping to do some more fun things with Benny. I’ll have to plan some stuff in advance. If you have suggestions you can totally let me know either in the comments or on Twitter, @kleffnotes.

You can also find me on The Nerdy Girl Express and on my YouTube channel. I’m going to have articles going up there this week and I need to start filming new videos. Keep an eye out for cool stuff, it’s coming I promise.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Holiday Hoopla

Hi Internet People,

This week was Christmas and Benny and I were able to spend some time hanging out with my family. I had to work on Christmas Eve and for part of Christmas Day so part of the day Benny just hung out on his own in some festive lounge wear.


I thought I’d give you a close up of the socks. I bought them at Five Below around Halloween, but Benny decided to lay claim to them while I was out.


When I got home my mom and dad were working on stuff in the kitchen still and I sort of fell asleep until the food was ready. Instead of getting a bunch of shots of the table I wound up just taking a pic of the clean up process instead.


We did a lot of post dinner lounging around and I fell back asleep while everyone watched Inside Out. I didn’t get a lot of sleep the nights before Christmas Eve or Christmas and was pretty exhausted by that night. While I did gifts with my family before work Benny said he wanted to wait until after I was more rested to surprise me. This is what I found under the tree.


According to Benny my gift this year was his presence in my life so he attempted to wrap himself. He planned on putting a bow on his head too, but I guess he couldn’t find any. I did wind up getting Benny something, but it was more a joke gift than anything else.


The sweater Benny is wearing was given to me at an Ugly Sweater party a few years ago and he’s been eyeing it. I told him I could buy him his own sweater, but he said he liked this one so much that he wanted to be able to call it his own.

I hope you had a lovely holiday and that now you can relax. I know I was running around a lot this season. New Year’s Eve is much more chill here. I just sort of hang out around the house. A group of us might be doing something on Twitter this year though so keep an eye out, you can find me @kleffnotes. You can also find me on my YouTube channel and on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: What Should I Buy My Skeleton?

Hi Internet People,

Benny won’t be in this post, but that’s for a very good reason I swear. With Christmas coming I need to figure out what to buy my bony buddy. Benny if you’re reading this please stop now or you’ll ruin the surprise.

Okay now that I’ve made sure that he isn’t reading, I swear Benny I will check your browser history and if you snoop so help me I will take whatever I buy you back to the store, I need your help. I’ve been racking my brain to figure out what I should get him and keep coming up empty. He already owns all of the movies he likes, well okay we share them, but he uses them whenever he wants to and since he sometimes watches them multiple times in  a row I sometimes don’t get them back for days. I had to resort to watching Nightmare Before Christmas at work because he had my copy squirreled away somewhere.

He loves Tim Burton movies, Neil Gaiman, cherry coke, hot tea, and show tunes.Benny likes other stuff too, but those are the primary things. With all that in mind, what are your suggestions? He does get kind of cold during these long winter nights so I thought maybe a onesie or something sufficiently useful for bundling up. Besides that I’m totally striking out. I’m having the worse time figuring out presents for people this year so I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Either comment below or tweet me, @kleffnotes, your suggestions, whatever I wind up getting him will be posted in next week’s Blogging with Benny. That’ll be the day after Christmas so there will be holiday photos aplenty.

If you want to see Benny and me you can always check out my YouTube channel. You can also find some great articles over on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Hi Internet People,

We’ve started decorating around the house this week for Christmas and Benny was a big help. This is his first holiday season with us so he was really into it. We haven’t finished everything, but we got all of our decorations pulled out of our store room and we have our tree and stockings up and ready. Benny had his bony hands in everything so let’s get to the pictures.


Benny was the first one to get into the boxes because he wanted to lay claim to the first stocking. As you can see he grabbed one of my favorites, but I promised him he could use whichever stocking he wanted.


While you can’t see his stocking here’s our bony buddy helping with the rest of the family’s stockings. He even helped with the garland and lights that my sister added to the mantel. That light next to him is a little Charlie Brown lamppost that we have setup near the tree.


After helping with the mantel Benny helped my dad wrap the tree. He’s up close here checking to make sure that all the bulbs on that side are lighting up.


This last picture was a little more difficult to take. Benny wanted to put the angel on the top of the tree and because neither one of us is super tall I had to get a stool and give him a bit of a boost. I managed to get a photo, but you can’t really see what he’s doing. There are more Christmas things happening around the house so there will be some more festive photos before December is over so if you want to see Benny doing something specific let me know in the comments or on Twitter, @kleffnotes.

I also posted a new YouTube video that you can check out on my kleffnotes YouTube channel. You can also find my articles over on The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Bare Bones on the Bone Man

Hi Internet People,

Work threw me for a loop a few times this week and I’ve wound up closing the store on a bunch of nights that I planned to be out doing fun things with Benny. After another night of getting home after midnight grabbing snacks, watching Netflix, and not having anywhere to take Benny I thought I would share some fun facts about the bone daddy.

First off while I’m running around at the video store Benny spends most of his days lounging around the house, most often in the Lay-Z-Boy recliner in the basement watching or reading things that he finds in my room. He puts everything away when he gets done and he spends time with me when I film videos, work on articles, and blog. He sometimes gives me suggestions, though frequently he just wants me to write about his favorite movies, which would be fine if I hadn’t already written about most of them.

I know he’s already told you guys his favorite ladies of pop culture, but he hasn’t mentioned that Johnny Depp and Vincent Price are his favorite actors. His favorite role of Depp’s is Victor from Corpse Bride, followed very closely by Edward Scissorhands. Price he loves in everything, House on Haunted Hill is his personal favorite.

On the random front his favorite color is green, apparently the specific shade is slimy green from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I’m pretty sure any neon green passes his standard. His favorite thing to drink when it’s hot out are cherry cokes, but when it’s cold he prefers tea with a bit of lemon. His favorite dessert is lady fingers with whipped cream and for a bony guy he can sure eat a lot of them. Benny also loves the smell of cinnamon, which is great right now because I just got a new candle that smells pretty cinammony for my room. If you want to know some more fun facts about Benny you can tweet him, @skeletonbenny, or me, @kleffnotes. We’ll both try to check periodically during the day.

In the coming weeks with the holidays getting into full swing Benny and I will be doing some fun stuff, I promise we will be. If it snows soon he and I will definitely go out and try and build a snowman. Sorry about the lack of pictures again, but Benny and I really haven’t been able to hang out much with my work schedule this week. Be on the lookout for some new videos and reaction posts, since I know I’m finishing Hemlock Grove this week and Scream Queens is finaleing. I might turn those into videos, I haven’t decided. Oh and there will be an iZombie kitchen as always on Wednesday.

If you have free time you can check out my kleffnotes YouTube channel and my articles on The Nerdy Girl Express. I should be going to see some movies this week so that should be fun.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday

Hi Internet People,

We are finally back to posting pictures of Benny on Sundays! This week was pretty busy with my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday shopping, but he and I were still able to get some photos in for you lovely people. Now let’s get to the pictures!


This first one is from my birthday. Benny decided he wanted to help unwrap things while I got changed after work. If you want to see what I got let me know, I could do a mini haul video on YouTube.

These next two photos are from Thanksgiving. Most of the family went out to a buffet place for dinner, we only cook Christmas dinner and always eat out for Thanksgiving. Benny decided he would spend the day at home making his own feast since we’d have to eat and then I’d have to head in to work.



I’m pretty sure he eventually cooked the sweet potatoes, he sent me this pic while we were at dinner and asked us to bring him a to go box, but that bag of potatoes was gone by the time we got back.

Benny didn’t really want to go Black Friday shopping, but he did help us go through our bags when we got home. He did insist we bring him a pretzel from the mall though.


Saturday we had a bit more birthday celebrating because my family was busy on my actual birthday. We went out to eat and brought home an ice cream cake. Benny was really excited and helped me polish off the last piece.


This last picture is really just here because at one point Benny decided he wanted to try and scare me so he hid in the dining room while I was cleaning up after the cake. He definitely made me jump. I added a bit of a filter because it was super hard to see him in the dark.


I think it looks very vintage like a tintype photo. I’d actually consider framing the pic because it looks fancy.

I think I’m going to do that Black Friday haul video that I mentioned, I got everything really cheap and some of the stuff I was really excited to find. I could throw in my birthday stuff too since I wound up with some super random stuff. You can check out any of my previous videos on my kleffnotes YouTube channel. You can also find some of my articles on The Nerdy Girl Express. If you have any suggestions for videos I should do or things you want to see you can comment below or tweet at me, @kleffnotes. You can also tweet at Benny, @skeletonbenny, he isn’t always on his Twitter, but he’ll try and reply when he can.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Memo from the Bone Daddy

Hi Internet People,

Well, here we are again another Sunday and Katherine hasn’t found any time for me at all. Okay, fine I hung out with her while she filmed some YouTube videos and we did watch Netflix together, but we haven’t been able to do anything out of the house. When she went to go shopping with her mom and sister I stayed home nursing a bum hip after the cold weather started setting in. Old sports injury you see, I used to compete in skeleton skeleton tournaments. That probably looks like a typo, but nope I used to compete in skeleton only sledding competitions and I was always part of the skeleton races. One day I took a spill on the ice and ever since then when the weather gets cold my hip starts to act up, even more than it normally does.

With her work schedule I’ve really just been left to hang out with the dog, catch up on my reading, and binge random things on Netflix. While I’ve been enjoying my free time that has led to very few days for picture taking. We tried to do a bit of a photo shoot during the week, but Katherine wound up working different hours and our plans went right out the window. We both thought we’d be back to picture posting this week, but it’s just been so hectic that it looks like we are out of luck. Next week she isn’t working as much and she does have something planned to make up for the lack of Benny photos. I mean I am an attractive skeleton, I deserve to have my body on the internet for all to see.

Next week on Sunday keep an eye out for some fun pictures of me doing some fun and interesting things, but this week I’m sorry to say there won’t be any. You can see me hanging out in all of her YouTube videos and you can find older posts of me under the Blogging with Benny category. If there’s anything you want to see me do let me know and I’ll pester Katherine to get her butt in gear and plan things.

She’ll be back to talk to ya tomorrow,


Blogging with Benny: Bodacious Bony Babes

Hi Internet People,

Benny here, with Katherine so busy I thought I’d step in and help her out with her blog.


The two of us haven’t been able to do much this weekend with her working every night. I’ve been hanging out by myself a lot and watching and reading some of my favorite things. I thought I’d take my first guest writing spot to share a list of my favorite bony babes. I’m giving you my top four so get ready for some awesome ladies of pop culture!

4: Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice

The blue tinged beauty from Beetlejuice is my top four pick. The girl manages to rock her Miss Argentina sash and outfit and her undead pallor. Not only is she gorgeous, but she knows how to get the job done while also cracking jokes about being part of the land of the dead.

Ms. Argentina

3: Death from Sandman

While not technically dead herself, Death is a wonderful character in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman universe. She is not only kind to every soul she comes in contact with, but she can rock any form she chooses to take. Death also can make ever her somber brother Dream happy, which is a pretty big feat.

death sandman

2: Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas

I know Katherine and I already revealed that Sally is one of my favorite ladies when she went shopping at Half Price Books, but who couldn’t love this sewed together senorita. Not only is she sweet, she has the strength to stand up for herself and go after what she wants. I also already know she has a thing for skeletons.


1: Emily from Corpse Bride

My favorite lady of them all is Emily from Corpse Bride. She can play piano, dance, and sing. She looks beautiful in her wedding dress and is kind and considerate. She ultimately finds peace by letting Victor be with the woman he loves, even though he had promised to marry her. Emily even leaves the movie beautifully by turning into a bunch of blue butterflies and flying into the night.


Hope you liked the post, let me know what you think about my list either in the comments or on Twitter, @skeletonbenny. You can find Katherine there too, @kleffnotes. She also just posted a video on YouTube of her singing, Dream a Little Dream of Me. I was in the back making sure she stayed in tune. She also writes for The Nerdy Girl Express.

She’ll talk to ya tomorrow,
