Fangirl Freakouts: Batman vs Superman Review

Hi Internet People,

This week’s Fangirl Freakouts video is my review of Batman vs Superman. It’s kind of long, I’m sorry I got a little rambly, but I promise it’s worth watching. It’s also mostly spoiler free. I do mention one spoiler, but there’s a lot of warning. Hope you like it!

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, and on Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. I also write for The Nerdy Girl Express and post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Brain Bread from my iZombie Kitchen

Hi Internet People,

Today’s brain treat is a very brainy bread full of sugary goodness. I couldn’t resist making something sweet this week, I mean come on sugar was in the title. Now I will say the bread reminded me more of a cake than a bread. It was sweeter than most breads I make and it was frosted, which I only ever do for cakes and cupcakes. The frosting really sold the brainy aspect of the cake and I thought it was really tasty so it’s definitely worth trying. Here’s a pic for you:


The official recipe was cherry bread with cream cheese frosting. The bread wasn’t too hard to make, though the recipe I found had you mixing in the butter at the end, which I wasn’t a fan of doing. You needed to add an entire stick so I think it would have been easier to just warm it up and add it in at the end without cutting it into little pieces.I’ll talk about that more when we get to that part of the recipe.

For the bread you will need:

2 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, dash of salt, 1/2 cup butter (one whole stick), 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and one 10 oz jar of maraschino cherries.

You will first need to drain the juice from the jar, you need to keep the juice for the recipe so pour it into a cup. Then you need to chop up the cherries. I dumped them into a little bowl and cut them up into little pieces.

In a separate bowl I added the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, eggs, vanilla, and cherry juice all together and stirred them up. Then I dumped in the diced cherries.


Already looking a bit brainy, right? Then I cut in the butter, but seriously don’t do that. My hand started to cramp trying to mash up the hunks of room temperature butter and it took forever to get it integrated. Instead take your stick(1/2 cup) of butter, put it on a small plate, heat it in the microwave for 15 seconds so it’s mushier, then throw it in your batter. That should make it way easier for you.


It’ll also probably keep your batter from looking as chunky as mine. Then I poured my batter into a greased bread pan.


After it was in the pan I took a container of red food coloring and some skewers. I dipped the skewers in food coloring and then stuck them in the batter and swirled them around to get red streaks into it.


Then I put it in the oven for one hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While the bread was in the oven I mixed up the frosting.

For the frosting you’ll need 4 oz of cream cheese, a tablespoon of milk, 1/4 cup of butter (half a stick), and a cup of confectioner’s sugar.


I mixed that with an electric mixer on low/medium speed. Once it was whipped and looked like frosting, I added about five drops of pink food coloring and briefly mixed it again to make it pink all the way through.


I sealed up the container with the frosting to be used when the bread was cooled. It got done about the time I got done mixing up the frosting and this is what it looked like fresh out of the oven.


I let it cool for about four, five hours and then popped it out of the bread pan onto a plate. After it was on the plate I covered in with the frosting and then used a squeeze bag of red icing to add brainy lines. Here’s another pic of the frosted bread.


Then I made sure to taste test the bread and I cut myself a slice.


I’m definitely going to make this again, but I think I’ll double the recipe and make it a cake. My friend really loves cherries and cream cheese so this will be perfect for her birthday.

If you try this bread you should totally tweet me pics, @kleffnotes. You can also find all of my other recipes on the iZombie Support Group site. I also write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. I also have a kleffnotes YouTube channel.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


iZombie Day is Here!

Hi Internet People,

Today is brainy kitchen day for me, though no pics for you guys yet. I actually made up tonight’s brain a bit early because I wasn’t sure how the recipe would turn out. It actually turned out better than I thought. I think I’m going to use it in the future for my friend’s birthday. I already promised her she could have some because it has two of her favorite things in it. No hints brainies, I like to keep these things under wraps.

Now the rest of my day is going to involve some more brainy cooking. I need to work on my finale test brains and I have to work on trials starting today to make sure that everything works out. I want these to be perfect because this is a really big deal recipe. I also bought a lot of supplies for trial runs so I definitely have the means to make a lot of brains.

I really am just excited to perfect this brain recipe. I’m going off of one YouTube video, which had no measurements, just references to ingredients and even though there were visuals, none helped me gauge amounts or anything concrete. For the next couple of weeks my kitchen will be a mini Meat Cute. I can’t really run a full scale butcher shop or a mortuary so think of it as Meat Cute Express. All the brains and none of the ambiance. I’ll tweet out tonight’s brain during the 9 pm est and the 9 pm pst airings, I’ll also post the recipe here and link it on the the iZombie Support Group site.

I’ll also be live tweeting the episode, @kleffnotes, when I am able to watch it at 2 am est. You can also find me on The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. I also have a kleffnotes YouTube channel.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


I’ve Randomly Been Watching Chuck

Hi Internet People,

So back when I did my poll to see what I should watch and live tweet for The Nerdy Girl Express one of the shows I mentioned was Chuck. Now Buffy the Vampire Slayer won the vote and I have done some live tweets, I’ve kind of sucked at live tweeting a bit because I’ve gotten unexpectedly busy and sick in the past couple of weeks, but I have stuck to my will live tweet whenever I watch it promise. While I was sick I didn’t want to just lay in silence while in bed and since I wasn’t really up to tweeting a lot, surprising I know, I needed to find a show I could watch and sometimes not pay attention to.

I decided that because I kind of wanted to watch it anyway that I would make Chuck my recovery from Ursula show of choice. I watched/dozed through a lot of it and am almost done with season two. I’m really liking it so far. The characters are all really fun and I really like the dialogue and super nerdy references. One thing that made me smile in a recent episode was that a comic I sort of recently read the first collected volume of, Ex Machina, made an appearance. There is also a Y the Last Man poster in Chuck’s room and I absolutely loved that series so that’s an added bonus.

The introduction of the dad was interesting and definitely added a nice twist to the plot. I also was shocked to see Chevy Chase and learn that he was a bit shady. I wasn’t expecting the shady, though maybe I should have since the dad did accuse his character of stealing his ideas. I really like Chuck as a character. He’s sweet and caring and seems more dimensional than a lot of male characters in action focused shows. He is more emotional and caring than I anticipated and while he does have some sort of socially awkward moments he isn’t entirely the stereotypical nerd character. I would like more female characters, but maybe they show up in later seasons.

You can chat with me about Chuck in the comments or on Twitter, @kleffnotes. You can also find me on The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. I also have a YouTube channel and post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Brain Plans and iZombie Baking Sessions

Hi Internet People,

I had some plans for brainy recipes to make this week based on some great Twitter suggestions, but I have struck out finding two crucial ingredients, cauliflower and veggie meat. I’m going to have to  go to a specific grocery store to get them, but I found a recipe that struck my fancy while browsing the internet for ideas.

This Tuesday’s episode is called Pour Some Sugar Zombie, which made me think I should do something on the sweet side. I also just really like the song, Pour Some Sugar on Me, and I’m very possibly going to do something goofy involving singing during the episode. Yes, there might be some psuedo strip teasing, but only because I really do like dancing to that song. The recipe I found involves cherries and baking, not too many hints, I like leaving my recipes a secret until Tuesday nights. It looked delicious in the pictures and I really like making baked goods.

I also have a really big brainy project that I need to get to work on. I have been planning something for the finale with Jon of The iZombie Support Group and it is definitely going to take a few test runs to get it perfect before the big night. We did some video watching and some internet searching and I really think it could be amazing, I just need to get it worked out. No hints beyond it’s brain related, but if I can get it just right this will be epic. I’m also going to cosplay it up so you should definitely get excited.

That’s my big update for today. If you want to see more of me you can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, and I post my recipes on the iZombie Support Group site. I’m also a writer for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


My Kinda Recaps: All For One Eps 9-11

Hi Internet People,

Today’s My Kinda Recaps video is all about episodes 9, 10, and 11 of the web series All For One on KindaTV. So many Harry Potter things happened, plus lots of drama and some fruit salad.

You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site. I also write for The Nerdy Girl Express.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


It’s Taking Me So Long To Read The Three Musketeers

Hi Internet People,

When KindaTV announced that their new series All For One, based on The Three Musketeers, would be coming out I decided to make a trip to my local library to pick up a copy of the book. Now the copy I found was a huge hardback, which even though my purse is pretty big, totally wasn’t easy to carry around with me. I was pretty busy with work, but did start reading the first few of chapters while I had a couple of days off. Then I got sick and basically just wasn’t in a reading mood. I kept trying to find time to read, but whenever I thought about reading I never had the book with me.

On Wednesday I went with my mom to pick up my sister from school for her Easter break and we did some shopping. We made a quick stop at a Half Price Books Store and I decided that I would go on the hunt for a paperback version of The Three Musketeers. I struck out initially, but my mom came to the rescue and found a super cheap copy. Seriously less than 3 dollars. The only thing I can find in it is a young boy’s signature on the front inside cover, which is pretty good for such a cheap used book.

I’ve read a little bit more, but I still am not making much progress. It’s not that I don’t like the book, I actually have enjoyed what I’ve read, it’s just I’ve still been a bit sick and work has been leaving me tired. I really want to read more of it though because I am absolutely loving All For One and I just really want to know the source material better. I read it when I was third grade and I’m pretty sure it was an abridged version for little kids so my knowledge is pretty minimal. I also want to give my book a bit of a makeover. I think it would be fun to give it a new and more All For One inspired cover. If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments or on Twitter, @kleffnotes.

I also write for The Nerdy Girl Express and run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. You can also find me on my kleffnotes YouTube channel and I post my iZombie themed recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Fangirl Freakouts: Henry Cavill is an Alien?

Hi Internet People,

My latest Fangirl Freakouts video is all about the actor Henry Cavill and how he is totally not human. Also a little bit about my feelings about going to see Batman vs. Superman.

You can find more of me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, and I write for The Nerdy Girl Express. I also run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. You can also find my recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


iZombie Kitchen: Brain Salad on a Bagel

Hi Internet People,

Last night we finally had iZombie back in our lives and I got back to my iZombie kitchen to whip up some tasty brains. This week I present to you brain salad on a bagel, here’s the pic.


Okay, so this brain salad is really egg salad, but I thought that with Easter coming up on Sunday I’d give you a recipe to help use up those dyed eggs you might be making. Now first off you need to hard boil some eggs. I always forget how long you need to do this for, so here’s a quick how to. Put the eggs in a pot and cover them with water, put them on the burner and set it on high, with the lid on the pot. Once the water comes to a boil turn off the burner, but don’t remove the pot with the eggs. Leave it there and covered for 12 minutes. Once that’s done remove them from the water and let cool.


Now once they eggs are cool, I let them chill in the fridge for a few hours. I picked three eggs and peeled them. Then these three chosen eggs spent the night in a sealed tupperware container soaking in a mix of water and red food coloring. By the next day they were bright pink, perfect for brains.


I then took a paper towel and dried the three eggs a bit by wrapping the towel around them and squeezing very lightly. I then cut up the eggs into bite sized pieces and threw them into a larger bowl.


Next I added two large heaping spoonfuls of mayo, you can use miracle whip or whatever you prefer. I’d say total I added about roughly 3/4 of a cup.IMG_20160321_193540784

Then mix up the egg and mayo so it’s evenly combined.


Then add some mustard to taste.


Since this is a meal fit for a zombie, I added a dash of hot sauce.


You can add as much hot sauce as you want, but make sure you mix it all in.


Then I added one drop of pink food coloring to make the salad a bit brainier.


I let the mixture chill a bit, but you could totally eat it right after mixing it up. Here’s the finished sandwich again for you.


Let me know if you try this recipe, I’d love to see pics. You could add ketchup or extra hot sauce to make it a bit gorier. I’d also consider enjoying it with some of these Lay’s chips I found, fiery roasted habanero. Super spicy and super delicious.

If you want to see more of me you can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my kleffnotes YouTube channel, and I write for The Nerdy Girl Express. I also run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp. I also post all of my iZombie recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


Lesley-Ann Brandt Did This Amazing Thing During Lucifer Last Night!

Hi Internet People,

I am a huge fan of the show Lucifer on Fox and have been tuning in every week. I even write up episode recaps on The Nerdy Girl Express. I also live tweet the episodes during a live tweet event we host every Monday night called #DevilsNight. Erica, @quietlikeastorm and fellow Nerdy Girl Express writer, and I, @kleffnotes,  live tweet Lucifer at 9 on Fox and Damien at 10 on A&E. Since both shows are so devilish we decided to make an official theme night of it.

Now the big thing that happened this Monday was that Lesley-Ann Brandt who plays everyone’s favorite demon, Maze, hosted a contest on Twitter. If you took a picture of yourself watching the episode, A Priest Walks Into a Bar, while dressed in your best Mazikeen outfit, and hashtagged it #dresslikeademon, you would be entered to win a signed photo of her as Mazikeen. She was picking ten winners combined from both East and West Coast live tweets, but I don’t know if she was going to officially announce all of them.

Now I didn’t want to post pictures from Twitter just all over this post without people’s permission, but if you have Twitter just search #dresslikeademon and you will be able to see them. Brandt also retweeted a lot of them so you could find them through her Twitter account too. If I weren’t still sick, I would have dressed up, but I don’t think Maze ever has the sniffles so I just live tweeted in my lounging around clothes. The costumes were amazing though and people put a ton of work into them. This is just another reason that you should be watching Lucifer because the cast is honestly amazing and they love their fans.

You can find Lucifer on Fox Mondays at 9 pm or on Hulu and FoxNOW. If you want to find more of me you can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, and on The Nerdy Girl Express, which I already mentioned, and I have a kleffnotes YouTube channel. I also post iZombie themed recipes on the iZombie Support Group site and I run The Nerdy Girl Express Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
