Let The Purge Commence!

Hi Internet People,

Okay, no please don’t go run outside and purge because that is horrifying, but I did just watch The Purge and The Purge: Anarchy last night. I had seen previews for the new addition, The Purge: Election Year, and finally decided that I wanted to watch the first two. My brother watched the movies with me, which meant we got just a bit silly. Seriously every time we watch movies together we get very sarcastic and goofy. We may have said some very inappropriate things during the movies including calling into question the main male character’s decision making abilities in the first movie and getting snippy about Shane in movie two. Seriously Shane, what were you doing out there?!

Of the two movies I liked the second one more. I actually was thinking I would like the tension of the home invasion in movie one more, but I just thought it was a bit slow going. I will say that the mom in movie one was great. That scene at the end with the table, I literally laughed out loud. Probably not a totally normal response, but Grace was  a terrible person and I don’t understand why she couldn’t just wait the literally 60 seconds left in the night to just leave. I thought the characters in Anarchy were more interesting and the reveal of what actually is happening on Purge nights was cooler than people just being angry. I think I’m going to see the new one this week, I’ll have to figure out when my brother is free and we can go Purge together.

There is one terrifying thing we noticed while we were watching the second movie. So in Anarchy the Purge announcer says that it is the 6th annual Purge and it’s the year 2023. Now subtract 6 years from 2023 and you get 2017. This means that the first annual Purge took place on March 21st 2017. Anyone else want to hide out in their homes and never come out next year? Yep, that’s what I’m doing, just going to hide for that entire day because that seems like the best plan. I’ll probably also make sure I have a baseball bat and a deadbolt, but that’s just me.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,
