Thoughts on the Witch House Witch

Hi Internet People,

I wish I could say I have no idea why I’m so tired, but that is a blatant lie. I went out far too many times this week already and I am exhausted. On Tuesday I went to Geek Trivia Night at this local sort of bar/hangout place. I don’t exactly know what to call it, my town is not fancy and it seems vaguely fancy so literally no clue what to say about it. Anyway, I will admit I did drink, not a lot, but I did. Then the very next day after a very long day of things, I went out again. I had work, then I sort of volunteered, I was volunteered in advance and couldn’t really back out, to help out the bell choir my mom plays in. This meant going to a random portion of a mass, yeah that was interesting, and then practice. After that, it ended at 9 pm, I went to my friend’s and a group of us went out for a very late dinner. Then I got home and uploaded a video and I’ve just been tired. Not just a little sleepy, but like deep in my bones exhaustion. I was running super late yesterday and to make matters worse, because I was tired, I managed to knock a bunch of stuff on the ground, run into a case of diet dew, and not wear socks on a wind chill advisory day. Yep, I had it all together.

So, because I am so tired I don’t really have a bunch of stuff to write up for Witch House thoughts. I have been thinking about Keziah and her familiar. I want her to appear at some point in the webseries, but I don’t know if she should have spoken lines or not. The creepy rat guy is totally not showing up. I don’t want to try and figure that one out and actually seeing him I don’t think is necessary. Just having the main character freak out because she hears scratching in the walls or thinks she sees him/mice should be enough. In the original story just reading about it is creepy, so I’m going with a less is more approach to him. I do think having Keziah appear could be beneficial. Maybe while the main sleeps, though I keep picturing the whole looming over her bed thing and I’m not sure I actually want to do that. I mostly want to have the main talk about seeing Keziah in her dreams, but maybe having her appear in the last or at least very near the end of the series could add a little bit of extra scare. She’d definitely need more costume work than the other characters, but that’s not something I’m going to worry about right now.

Find me on Twitter, @kleffnoteson my kleffnotes YouTube channel, I write for The Nerdy Girl Express and I run their Snapchat, thenerdygirlexp, and I post recipes on the iZombie Support Group site.

Talk to ya tomorrow,


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